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Maxantalet träffar du kan exportera från sökgränssnittet är 250. Vid större uttag använd dig av utsökningar.
  • 1.
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Smart Denim2011Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year))Oppgave
    Abstract [en]

    The paper represents an integration of existing smart textiles materials with in the fashion apparel. A pair of jeans termed as Smart Denim was developed in facility of Swedish School of Textiles with phase change material provided by the research organization Swerea IVF. The product was tested at every stage of development and results were carried out in form of graphs.The research work was confined and focused on intelligent textiles taking phase change materials for development of smart denim. Smart denim may influence the ability of the fashion industry to meet the new demands. It will also provide insight of positioning the product with in the fashion market which is quite saturated. Integrating phase change materials within fashionable product denim opens a new way of understanding the fashion market.

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  • 2. Abylaev, Mansur
    et al.
    Pal, Rudrajeet
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Torstensson, Håkan
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Resilience challenges for textile enterprises in a transitional economy and regional trade perspective: a study of Kyrgyz conditions2014Inngår i: International Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Resilience, ISSN 2052-868X, Vol. 1, nr 1, s. 54-75Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper aims to contribute to the resilience development of the textile sector in a transitional economy, based on a case study of the Kyrgyz Republic, where the transition to a free market system generated broken supply chains, low diversification, a high open economy level of the textile sector and dependence on international trade regulations. The approach used is based on theories of organisational resilience, literature studies and fieldwork. Scenarios are developed and analysed by event tree and SWOT analysis, to identify resilience properties of the textile sector. Findings focus on the implications of future membership or non-membership, respectively, in the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, where both supportive and adverse effects have been identified. The results contribute to the knowledge of the transitional economy conditions and serve as a guideline for stakeholders about enhancing resilience, both at the industrial and organisational levels, of the Kyrgyz textile sector.

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  • 3. Abylaev, Mansur
    et al.
    Torstensson, Håkan
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Supply chain resilience of Kyrgyz textile companies in regional international trade integration2013Inngår i: / [ed] Pawar, KS & Rogers, H, Nottingham University Business School , 2013Konferansepaper (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    The transitional period of the Kyrgyz economy from planned to free market economy modified the structure of the textile sector. The state owned big textile producers were fragmented into small sized private apparel manufacturers. The main success factor of transformation was the international trade regulation and international textile market conjuncture. Latest regionalization processes of Kyrgyz apparel exporting countries modify the existing competitive advantage of Kyrgyz apparel cluster and obligate to redesign the supply chain in order to withstand the disruption. The main purpose of the paper is to analyze the success factors of resilient supply chain during transitional period and the possibility of transferring from the global to a regional supply chain as the main resilience factor of Kyrgyz apparel companies.

  • 4.
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Sustainable and Environmental freindly fibers in Textile Fashion (A Study of Organic Cotton and Bamboo Fibers)2010Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year))Oppgave
    Abstract [en]

    In recent times sustainability is a leading characteristic of textile fashion products. Textile fashion companies are focusing more on sustainable products these days, so that they can meet the environmental and social aspects. For getting competitive advantage in fashion business the companies have to take care of social, political and economical issues, and they must be aware of current trends of the market. Sustainable fibres provide solution for the companies facing issues regarding environmental problems; these fibres are also favorable to meet the market demands of quality products these days. The main objective of this report is to use the sustainable materials in fashion garments; the report contains rich information about two natural sustainable fibres (organic cotton and Bamboo), that describes the brief history, biography, development, processing, application and uses of these fibres. This report briefly describes the advantages and disadvantages of these fibres and underlines the usage of these fibres by famous designers, and by many top brands and fashion companies for their competitive advantage and brand image. The report highlights the potentials of using these materials in textile fashion products and describes that high fashion and quality products can be made by these products to guarantee the environmental and social standards

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  • 5.
    Adolfsson, Jennie
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Söderberg, Jenny
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Kombination av egna och etablerade varumärken: Ett företags liv eller död?2012Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma)Oppgave
    Abstract [sv]

    Konkurrensen i klädbranschen växer och blir allt intensivare. Det krävs idag mer från ett företag för att kunna skilja sig från mängden. En rad olika faktorer påverkar en konsuments beteende och attityd gentemot ett företag och en butiks val av varumärken och sortimentsutbud spelar en betydande roll för att kunna kommunicera ut ett budskap som lockar den tänkta målgruppen. Det blir allt vanligare att detaljistföretag som erbjuder etablerade varumärken integrerar bakåt och producerar egna märkesvaror. Lager 157 är ett företag som på senare tid har följt denna trend. Vår studie undersöker kombinationen av etablerade och egna varumärken och fokuserar på vilken påverkan Lager 157:s varumärken har på konsumenters attityder och beteenden. Vi har även undersökt vilka positiva och negativa effekter som kan uppstå genom varumärkeskombinationen och hur sortimentets inriktning, djup och bredd styr konsumenters efterfrågan. Studiens innehåll är baserat på primärdata i form av en marknadsundersökning och en intervju och sekundärdata i form av litteratur, vetenskapliga artiklar och elektroniska källor. Marknadsundersökningen har utförts i enkätform med 13 frågor i Lager 157:s butik i Gällstad och intervjun har genomförts med butikens chef Maja Brolin. För att kunna analysera och tolka aktuell information har vi använt oss av tre teoretiska modeller, ”Kommunikationsprocessen”, ”Varumärkesprocessen i en tjänsteverksamhet” och ”Faktorer som påverkar konsumenters köpbeteende”, i kombination med teoretiska begrepp. Det vi har kommit fram till är att företagets varumärken har en stor påverkan på konsumenters åsikter, attityder och beteenden sett från både ett personligt och ett socialt perspektiv där identifikation med företagets koncept är en viktig del. Genom Lager 157:s kombination av etablerade och egna varumärken kan företaget nå en större målgrupp, locka fler besökare och skilja sig från mängden, men också förlora försäljning på grund av konkurrerande varumärken som också kan dra ned helhetsintrycket. Ju bredare och djupare sortiment ett företag som Lager 157 erbjuder, desto större chans är det att en konsument kan hitta det den eftersöker och få sitt behov tillfredsställt, vilket leder till en ökad efterfrågan. The competition in the clothing industry is growing and becoming more intense. It currently requires more from a company to stand out. A variety of factors influence a consumer's behavior and attitude toward a company and a store's selection of brands and range selection plays a significant role in order to communicate a message that attracts the intended audience. It is becoming increasingly common for retail businesses that offer established brands to integrate backwards and produce private label products. Lager 157 is a company that has recently followed this trend. Our study investigates the combination of own and established brands and focus on the impact that Lager 157's brands have on consumers' attitudes and behaviors. We examined the positive and negative effects that may occur through brand combination and how the assortments focus, depth and width controls the consumer demand. The study is based on primary data in the form of a market survey and an interview and secondary data in the form of literature, scientific papers and electronic sources. The market investigation has been conducted in the form of a questionnaire with 13 questions in Lager 157's store in Gällstad and the interview was carried out with the store manager Maja Brolin. In order to analyze and interpret current information, we used three theoretical models, "Communication Process", "Brand process" and "Factors affecting consumers' purchasing behavior", in combination with theoretical concepts. What we have found is that the company's brands have a major impact on consumers' opinions, attitudes and behaviors as seen from both a personal and a social perspective. Identification with the company's concept is an important part. With Lager 157's combination of established and own brands, the company can reach a larger audience, attracting more visitors and stand out, but also losing sales because of competing brands that can also reduce the overall appearance. The wider and deeper range of a company like Lager 157 offers, the more likely it is that a consumer can find what they are looking for and get their needs satisfied, leading to increased demand.

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  • 6.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Bergsmänniskans dilemma: Hållbarhetsstudie av skalplagg2014Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor)Oppgave
    Abstract [sv]

    Vid extrema bergsaktiviteter som klättring och skidåkning ställs stora krav på utrustningen. Den här studien har fokuserat på skalplagg för alpin miljö. Skalplaggens huvuduppgift är att skydda mot vind och fukt samtidigt som de skall transportera fukt från insidan till utsidan. För att kunna designa och utveckla bästa möjliga skalplagg krävs det kunskap om vilken miljö produkten/plagget ska användas i, vem som ska använda det, hur mycket ska plagget användas, i kombination med vilka andra produkter/plagg och vilken kunskap har användaren? Det är också viktigt att förstå vilka materialkrav som ställs på produkten. Det leder till vikten att även förstå materialens egenskaper, vad det minsta, alternativt största mängden av en viss komponent som krävs för att produkten ska leva upp till de ställda kraven. Kunskap om kraven och funktionerna bakom mekanismerna som uppfyller kraven leder till en möjlighet att optimera plaggets funktion och miljöpåverkan. I denna studie har kunskaper inom textilteknik, fysiologi, termodynamik, kemisk dynamik och teknisk byggteknik kombinerats för att härleda och undersöka kraven på maximalt ånggenomsläpplighetsmotstånd beroende på grad av fysisk aktivitet. Resultatet visar tydligt att det maximala ånggenomsläpplighetmotståndet som accepteras vid en given intensitet sjunker med en avtagande temperatur. Detta beror på att fuktgradienten ökar med en avtagande temperatur, under premissen att temperaturen och fukthalten innanför membranet hålls konstant.

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  • 7.
    Agnhage, Tove
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Nierstrasz, Vincent
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Perwuelz, A.
    Guan, J.P.
    Chen, G.Q.
    Eco-design innovative methods for fabric finishing2014Konferansepaper (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 8.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Kurbitch!2013Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor)Oppgave
    Abstract [en]

    In architecture we usually divide built things into structure or ornament. The same way of thinking can be applied to fashion. First you have a construction (garment) and then you add an ornament, like a way of styling. This works aim to change that relationship. One way of exploring the relation between the two concepts is to subordinate structure under ornament in order to change the hierarchy between form and decoration. Ornaments have in themselves structural elements that can be transformed into construction. My aim is to find these and let them be the bearing structures when augmenting for new shapes and expression with a codependent relationship between the two. The concrete methods of this work have been carried out through experimentation with different perspective on ornamentation in a trial and error process to achieve new expression and potential of ornament. The results are various examples of the design method carried out in different scale and proportions. They show how the method could be used in a structural way to find form and a more pictorial way to build expression. It questions modernistic thinking with its form follow function principle and explores other values such as attraction of the eye and the expression of light reflective materials. It explores the clash between tradition and new material. A new discussion could be raised about what is construction and what is ornamentation, if a separation is needed or even can be done.

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  • 9.
    Ahlström, Olivia
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Aandalen, Tina
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Livsstilsbloggar- En studie av affärsinriktade Internetdagböcker2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor)Oppgave
    Abstract [sv]

    Syfte: Huvudsyftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva praktiken inom affiliate marketing och bloggar inom livsstilssegmentet över en tvåmånaders period. Studien beskriver och framför de faktorer som krävs för att skapa och driva en blogg som attraherar läsare och annonsörer. Design och metod: Uppsatsen presenterar en statistisk analys av de huvudkategorier som bloggare i livsstilssegmentet nyttjar i sitt nätbaserade dagboksskrivande samt en diskursanalys av innehållet i dessa kategorier. Första steget i studien är att lokalisera bloggar som uppfyller de kriterier som kännetecknar en livsstilsblogg. Det andra steget är att kategorisera inläggen i bloggarna. Det tredje steget är att genom diskurs analysera innehållet i inläggen som tillhör de olika kategorierna. Resultat: En utförlig studie av bloggar inom livsstilssegmentet som dessutom arbetar med affiliate marketing visar på tendensen att dessa kommunicerar med sina läsare på ett sätt där de eftersträvar ett djupare och mer familiärt förhållande till sina läsare. Detta så att intresset hålls uppe och läsarna lockas att återvända till bloggen. Bloggarna kombinerar detta kommunikationssätt med rekommendationer och länkar för att marknadsföra företag och produkter.Originalitet/värde: Studiens resultat kompletterar studier gjorda kring bloggar och bloggsfären och är relevant för forskare som söker ingående kunskap om bloggsfären inom livsstilsgenern och fenomenet affiliate marketing. Resultaten är dessutom relevanta för bloggare som önskar att skapa en blogg som attraherar läsare och genererar inkomst.Purpose: The main purpose for this paper is to examine the practices of affiliate marketing and blogs in the lifestyle segment trough a selection of blogs and their publications over a two month period. The research describes and determines the key factors needed to execute a blog that draw readers and advertisers. Design/methodology/approach: The paper presents a statistical analysis of the main categories presented in three chosen blogs in the lifestyle segment and a discourse analysis of the content found in these categories. The first step in the research is to locate blogs consistent with the research criteria. The second step is to categorize the blog posts and the third step is trough discourse analyze study the content of the categories. Findings: A thorough examination of blogs in the lifestyle segment who use affiliate marketing programs shows a tendency to write in a style and manner that seeks to connect with the audience on a deeper, more relatable level to keep readers interested and willing to return to the blog. The bloggers combine this with product recommendations and linkbacks to advertise for products and companies. Originality/value: This paper contributes to studies done on blogs and the blogsphere and the findings are relevant for reasearchers who wish to study the lifestyle blogsphere and the affiliate marketing phenomenon. The findings are also relevant for bloggers who aspire to create a blog that attracts readers and generate an income.

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  • 10.
    Ahlström, Stefanie
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    A Cross-Country Skiwear Collection for Beautiful Women2006Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year))Oppgave
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis deals with cross-country ski clothing for non-competitive women. Women in this category look for different clothing features in comfort and aesthetics than male top athletes, for whom cross-country skiwear today often seems to be designed. In this thesis the demands of these women have been mapped out by an interview with a reference group of users. The ergonomics of exercising in the winter outdoors are naturally a base for the collection. The collection consists of three functional layers of garments. Each layer has its own purpose and its specific style that reflects its function for the user. Knit materials are developed for thermal underwear and an insulating middle layer. The protecting outer garments were tested in real outdoor conditions. The spirit of the collection can be summarized as to mature femininity. The collection allows each skier to enjoy skiing as she best feels. The aim is to inspire more beautiful women to dust off their skis and enjoy nature.

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  • 11.
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    From likes to commitment: a case study of micro companies’ social media usage2013Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year))Oppgave
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose with the thesis is to identify, analyze and present the problems micro companies in the Swedish fashion and sport industry are facing when using social media as a communication tool in their marketing activities. Also relevant digital communication channels have been investigated and presented. Two case studies have been made with two Swedish micro companies in order to fulfill our purpose and answer our two research questions. The result from the interviews showed that micro companies, overall in the industry, could benefit from using social media as a communication channel, but they struggle to know how they should use it. We answer our research question through creating and presenting our own constructed model that companies should use in their business for planning their social media strategy and overcome the found problems. The thesis is a qualitative research with an abducted approach. We did an active research with a case study on the two companies Kask of Sweden and Gococo. Through deep interviews, we got much information about how they work today and what problems they face when using social media. We have worked with four themes during the entire process; present, relationship, problems and future, to facilitate for the reader and for us. The study has high reability for the investigated companies, and we also argue that it could be of interest for other fashion and sport micro companies at the Swedish market. An theoretical framework was conducted through researching the specific area and finding relevant theory and published material concerning marketing and communicaton, as well as digital marketing theory and publications about social media. The chosen material is presented in the theory chapter where an own constructed model is presented as a guideline for the reader. It will help the reader to find the theories and their elations to each other. We believe it to be a good way of ease the understanding and the relevance of the chosen theories. The research shows that micro companies in the Swedish fashion sport industry faces different problems using social media as a communication platform for their company. Thus micro companies often have a very limited amount of resources and neither have the money, the knowledge or the time to manage a large marketing and communication social media can be beneficial if used properly. Though it comes with a few struggles. The main problems concerned around knowing who their real customer is, how to handle the relationship and create stronger connections with customers, difficulties in knowing which channels to use and how to handle them properly. They also found problems in knowing what how to communicate the right image and get the desired result of the published materials. Lastly the companies sometimes lacked a clear strategy in managing their social media platforms and raised questions about the language use, time consumption and who should run the activates. With our ”Four step-from likes to commitment” model we want to put attention to the most relevant steps a company needs to be aware of before starting and during working with social media, as well as be a strategy to handle and overcome the problems the previously struggled with.

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  • 12.
    Ahsen Khan, Muhammad
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Dyeing of Wool and Silk Fibres with a Conductive Polyelectrolyte and Comparing Their Conductance2012Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year))Oppgave
    Abstract [en]

    Polyelectrolytes are conductive polymers because of their ionic side group and PEDOT-S is one of those conductive polyelectrolytes. Previously, recombinant silk fibre has been dyed with PEDOT-S. PEDOT-S showed that it can be dyed with recombinant silk fibre over a very wide range of pH from 11 to 1.7. Previous experiments of dyeing recombinant silk fibre with PEDOT-S has shown that it is a very versatile process and can also be applied on other types of protein-based fibres, and that prompted me to dye wool and silk fibre from Bombyx Mori and make these fibres functionalized. So in this thesis dyeing of wool and silk fibres with PEDOT-S has been carried out. By this bottom-up approach of making an organic polymer electrically conductive and utilising the flexibility of organic polymer, one can integrate it in OLEDs and in smart textiles. In this thesis dyeing of silk and wool fibres with different dyeing pH has been carried out to maximise the exhaustion of dyes on to the fibres to acquire maximum conductance. Then the wool and silk fibres’ conductance and mechanical properties after dyeing were compared. Wool showed better conductance and mechanical properties as compare to silk after being dyed with PEDOT-S. These results helped to propose a model that tells about the interaction between protein-based fibres and polyelectrolytes and gives us better understanding of how these protein-based fibres show certain conductivity at different pH. Results also showed that these conductive fibres can be used further in special purposes and applications.

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  • 13.
    Ainamo, Antti
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Rethinking design fashion: New materiality, smart products, and upcycling2014Inngår i: Swedish Design Research Journal, ISSN 2000-964X, Vol. 12, nr 2, s. 53-60Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Manufacturing operations in much of textile fashion have migrated from the developed economies to developing countries in search of cost economies. Consideration for the natural environment has been lost in the process due to lack of clarity what corporation or some other participant in what kind of an economy is most responsible. This paper is intended as a thought piece on how new materialisms offers an approach to bring back responsible concern for the natural environment in textile fashion and, perhaps, beyond.

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  • 14.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Mapping the flow Of Apparel in a Wholesale Company2013Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years))Oppgave
    Abstract [en]

    Globalization that diminishes the barriers to trade worldwide has transformed the structure of production and increased the global competition in the textile and apparel industry. Especially, the elimination of quotas on January 2005 has totally changed the whole scenario of the apparel industry. A boom has been noticed in the emerging markets. Buyers shift their maximum orders to the low cost countries to increase their profit margins. China has gained its popularity among the European and American buyers because of the cheap labor and large scales of production and has become the world’s largest exporter of textile and apparel. The traditional competitive factor among the buyers is the lower cost of the product but the changing markets trends and demand volatility pushes the buyers to focus also on quality and lead times in addition to price. Due to the huge competition among the cluster of brands, retailers and wholesalers, lead time is becoming critical as longer lead times increases the risk of bottleneck to sales. China is the most important apparel supplier for the EU (especially Germany, the UK, and France) because it provides the cost benefit to the sourcing companies, but at the same time, it increases the lead times and also has more environmental impact in terms of pollution because of the long geographical distance. This thesis highlights that there is a remarkable rise of the labor cost in China, noticed for the last couple of years, which has reduced the competitive factor of price while sourcing from China. This is also an upcoming challenge for the whole world with regards to sourcing strategies. Many sourcing companies are shifting their shares away from China in order to achieve their desired profit margins. Turkey may be an alternative sourcing destination for the European apparel buyers and wholesalers because of its competitive labor cost, favorable government policies, flexibility, sustainability, and proximity to Europe. In this thesis, a pilot study is carried out to determine the relationship and effects of lead times on sales. This thesis also describes the effects of relationships among the business partners on the supply chain flow. It is noted through several pilot studies that the organizations who work in collaboration with their supply chain partners can significantly improve their supply chain efficiency by reducing the inventories, markdowns, lead times, lost sales, and increasing forecast accuracy. There are several tools in use for collaboration such as Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI), Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Just in Time (JIT), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Collaboration, Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR). In this paper the CPFR implementation steps, benefits, and hindrances are discussed in detail.

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  • 15.
    Akash, Umair
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Mapping the flow Of Apparel in a Wholesale Company2013Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year))Oppgave
    Abstract [en]

    Globalization that diminishes the barriers to trade worldwide has transformed the structure of production and increased the global competition in the textile and apparel industry. Especially, the elimination of quotas on January 2005 has totally changed the whole scenario of the apparel industry. A boom has been noticed in the emerging markets. Buyers shift their maximum orders to the low cost countries to increase their profit margins. China has gained its popularity among the European and American buyers because of the cheap labor and large scales of production and has become the world’s largest exporter of textile and apparel. The traditional competitive factor among the buyers is the lower cost of the product but the changing markets trends and demand volatility pushes the buyers to focus also on quality and lead times in addition to price. Due to the huge competition among the cluster of brands, retailers and wholesalers, lead time is becoming critical as longer lead times increases the risk of bottleneck to sales. China is the most important apparel supplier for the EU (especially Germany, the UK, and France) because it provides the cost benefit to the sourcing companies, but at the same time, it increases the lead times and also has more environmental impact in terms of pollution because of the long geographical distance. This thesis highlights that there is a remarkable rise of the labor cost in China, noticed for the last couple of years, which has reduced the competitive factor of price while sourcing from China. This is also an upcoming challenge for the whole world with regards to sourcing strategies. Many sourcing companies are shifting their shares away from China in order to achieve their desired profit margins. Turkey may be an alternative sourcing destination for the European apparel buyers and wholesalers because of its competitive labor cost, favorable government policies, flexibility, sustainability, and proximity to Europe. In this thesis, a pilot study is carried out to determine the relationship and effects of lead times on sales. This thesis also describes the effects of relationships among the business partners on the supply chain flow. It is noted through several pilot studies that the organizations who work in collaboration with their supply chain partners can significantly improve their supply chain efficiency by reducing the inventories, markdowns, lead times, lost sales, and increasing forecast accuracy. There are several tools in use for collaboration such as Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI), Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Just in Time (JIT), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Collaboration, Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR). In this paper the CPFR implementation steps, benefits, and hindrances are discussed in detail.

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  • 16.
    Alexandersson, Nina
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Kalin, Mimmi
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Hur kan Gina Tricots redan utarbetade CSR-arbete stärka företagets varumärkesimage?2012Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma)Oppgave
    Abstract [sv]

    Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, kan förklaras som ett företags frivilliga samhällsansvar, där grunden för ett lyckat arbete handlar om att finna balans mellan ekonomiskt, miljömässigt och socialt ansvarstagande. Företagen ska inte bara fokusera på dess lönsamhet, utan också bidra till etisk social och miljömässig förbättring, faktorer som idag har blivit en självklarhet för att bidra till en hållbar utveckling men också för att bygga, stärka och bevara varumärket. Ett varumärke anses ofta vara ett företags främsta tillgång vilket också kan skapa värde för ett företag och på så sätt ses som en konkurrensfördel. Företagets varumärkesimage är i sin tur kundens uppfattning om varumärket och är något kunden skapar på en egen hand. En varierande bild av företaget kan då uppstå, eftersom individer har olika uppfattningar om ett varumärke. Gina Tricot är det företag som ligger i fokus för studien då vi anser att de är ett välkänt varumärke inom fast fashion branschen. Fast fashion är en affärsstrategi vars mål är att reducera ledtiderna från idé till butik och strategin syftar till att tillfredsställa kundernas behov av de senaste trenderna på mycket kort tid. Syftet med rapporten är att få en fördjupad förståelse för vad CSR innebär men också hur CSR kan bidra med positiva effekter och gynna Gina Tricots varumärke och dess varumärkesimage. Rapporten har både kvalitativa och kvantitativa utformningar, där datainsamling har skett genom intervjuer med medarbetare på Gina Tricot och en marknadsundersökning utformad som en enkät till tänkbara konsumenter. Den insamlade empirin har analyserats utifrån de litterära och elektroniska källorna vi använts oss av samt vetenskapliga artiklar. Källorna har behandlat CSR, kundbeteende, varumärke, varumärkesimage och fast fashion branschen. Vi kan utifrån resultatet urskilja en något motsägelsefull ställning till hållbarhet och miljömedvetenhet. Att intresset och den rätta attityden finns framkommer i resultatet, men då ingen av respondenterna anser att man medvetet väljer etiskt och ekologiskt tillverkade plagg, framkommer det även att det finns en problematik och ett glapp mellan attityd och handling. Ytterligare en slutsats vi kan dra utifrån empirin är att CSR kan ge både positiva och negativa effekter på ett företag, där det är viktigt för ett företag att se CSR som ett strategiskt tillbehör till den övriga affärsverksamheten och inte som en genväg till framgång. För att Gina Tricots CSR-arbete ska kunna stärka deras varumärkesimage, krävs både ett välutarbetat CSR arbete men också att Gina Tricot är medvetna om kundernas upplevda varumärkesimage. Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, can be explained as a company´s willingness to contribute in society where the foundations for a successful job is about finding the balance between economic, environmental and social responsibility. Companies must not only focus on its profitability, but also contribute to ethical social and environmental improvement, factors which has become second nature to contribute to sustainable development but also to build, strengthen and maintain the brand. A trademark is often considered a company's greatest asset, which can also create value for a company and thus be seen as a competitive advantage. The company's brand image is the customer's perception of the brand and is something the customer creates on his own. A different picture of the company may then occur because individuals have different perceptions about a brand. Gina Tricot is the company that is the focus of this study since we believe that they are a well-known brand within the fast fashion industry. Fast fashion is a business strategy that aims to reduce lead times from concept to store and a strategy aimed at satisfying customer needs for the latest trends in a very short time. The purpose of this report is to gain a deeper understanding of what CSR means but also how CSR can contribute to a positive impact and benefit the Gina Tricots brand. The report has both a qualitative and quantitative design where data collection was done through interviews with employees at Gina Tricot and a market research designed as a survey for potential consumers. The collected empirical data is analyzed from literature, scientific articles and electronic sources. The sources have dealt with CSR, customer behavior, brand, brand image and the fashion industry. We can discern from the results somewhat contradictory position on sustainability and environmental awareness. That the interest and the right attitude is evident in the results, but none of the respondents consider to deliberately choose ethically and ecologically produced clothing, it becomes clear that there is a problem and a gap between attitude and action. Yet another conclusion we can draw from the empirical data is that CSR can give both positive and negative effects on a company, where it is important for a company to see CSR as a strategic tool to the rest of the business and not as a shortcut to success. If Gina Tricots CSR work is to strengthen their brand image, it requires both a well-defined CSR work but also that Gina Tricot is aware of customers' perceived brand image.

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  • 17.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    PEDOT Coated Viscose Fibers by Optimized OCVD Process: Washing and Stretch Sensing Properties2013Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year))Oppgave
    Abstract [en]

    Electroactive textile fibers are key components in smart and interactive textile applications. In previous research on textile base conductive fibers, viscose fibers were coated with poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophne) (PEDOT) using oxidative chemical vapor deposition (oCVD) technique[1]. Ferric chloride was used as oxidant and reaction conditions were optimized at which better electrical as well as mechanical properties of conductive viscose fibers could be achieved. In this thesis work, effect of new parameters such as pretreatment of viscose fibers with solvents, drying of oxidant treated viscose fibers at different time and temperature and comparison of two different oxidants have been tried. One new and important oxidant, ferric (III) p-toluene sulfonate or ferric (III) tosylate, used to prepare PEDOT coated viscose fibers and then compared with PEDOT coated viscose fibers prepared using oxidant ferric (III) chloride. Viscose fibers have been treated with two well know solvents, acetone and ethyl acetate before soaking in oxidant solution. Oxidant enriched fibers dried at different temperature for variable time prior to polymerization step. Knitted structures of conductive viscose fibers have been prepared. Hand washing of PEDOT coated viscose fibers with tap water and machine washing of knitted structures according to the international standard ISO EN-6330 have been performed and washing effects were investigated. Effects of all of the above mentioned variables on electromechanical properties of PEDOT coated viscose fibers were studied by using tensile testing, TGA analysis, FTIR spectra and conductivity measurements. Stretch sensing properties of knitted structures; before and after washing, were determined on cyclic tester. The purpose of this study is to enhance the properties of PEDOT-coated viscose fibers by controlling different parameters and to evaluate their usage as stretch sensors as well as to check the washability of PEDOT coated viscose fibers and knitted structures. Better electromechanical properties were achieved on new parameters and PEDOT coated viscose fibers were successfully utilized as stretch sensors. PEDOT coated viscose fibers could have potential to apply in areas such as, military textiles, medical textiles and sensors.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 18.
    Ali, Zeeshan
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    THE ROLE OF MERCHANDISER IN MANAGING THE SUPPLY CHAIN2010Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year))Oppgave
    Abstract [en]

    This research project is based on observing and Analyzing the Role of a textile merchandiser in managing the supply chain of the Home Textiles In The Buying or retailing, in the Mill and with the Agents. The project also "highlights the comparative analysis of the practices by Followed merchandisers into the retailer side, mills and Those In The Agents', on the basis of the Functions Which Supports the supply chain. In the discussion, We Have highlighted Importance Of The Role Played by an agent and by the merchandisers of Buyer and Supplier in Different situation. By our research work we find out The Challenges face by merchandisers And Then we come up with sometime suggestions.This Research Project Has Been Developed by Contacting and Visiting Hemtex, Brink Textiles, by interviewing the merchandisers working in the Industries like Al-Abid Silk Mill . By Analyzing the data & the data through the visits and the interviews, this Research Project Has Been Combined to give in-depth knowledge about the Activities Which merchandisers performer in a mill and into buying a house.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 19.
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Online consumers' perspective on digital fashion branding magazines2014Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years))Oppgave
    Abstract [en]

    The study is focused on investigating the effectiveness of digital fashion branding magazines through the perspective of various types of online fashion consumers. The classification of online fashion consumers is based on motives of shopping behavior. Factors of positive online shopping experience were employed in order to identify perceptions and preferences towards digital fashion branding magazines. The study is implemented by the means of digital fashion branding magazines’ analysis, focus group and individual interviews. The results of the research enable to identify various ways of presenting the branding magazines. The study demonstrates differences in perceptions of digital fashion branding magazines of various types of online fashion consumers. The types of consumers attracted by the branding magazines are considered as well. Digital fashion branding magazines are regarded to be an effective marketing tool which requires further improvement by all the identified types.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 20.
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Edvardsson, Martina
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Urban Outfitters: En Extensiv Marknadsplan2011Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma)Oppgave
    Abstract [sv]

    Som Göteborgs marknad ser ut idag erbjuder utbudet både en bredd och ett djup. Många butiker ligger tillgängliga i eller med närhet till stadens centrum. Då det inte direkt finns en lucka i marknaden är det metavärdet och produktmixen som avgör valet av varumärke för konsumenten. Tanken med vår rapport är att undersöka möjligheten att expandera den redan existerande butikskedjan Urban Outfitters också till Göteborg. Vi vill därför undersöka Göteborgskonsumentens inköpsbeteende samt vilket som är den bästa lokaliseringen av en butik . Vi har tittat närmare på företaget Urban Outfitters vilket är en Amerikansk butikskedja, som startade med en butik under namnet Free People. Detta var år 1970. Vi har genomfört en marknadsplan med företaget som studieexempel. För att kunna undersöka om Göteborg är en bra plats att expandera till har vi undersökt konsumenten, dennes köpbeteende samt kunskap och uppfattning om företaget. Dessutom har vi tittat p och analyserat vart den bästa lokaliseringen för en butik. Till en början studerade vi befintlig litteratur för att få fram en ram för arbetat. Vi utförde 100 stycken påstana intervjuer. Resultatet av vår undersökning visar att det finns kunskap och övervägande positiva åsikter om företaget, vidare utförde vi en fokusgrupp intervju för att få en djupare förståelse för inte bara hur de handlar utan också hur de resonerar vid val av varumärke, vi diskuterade också företaget och Göteborgsmarknad. För att Urban Outfitters ska kunna etablera sig och få en stabil kundgrupp anser vi att det endast är till deras fördel att fortsätta med samma affärsidé som de har nu vad gäller produktmixen och konceptet. Utifrån vår analys och de marknadsundersökningar vi utfört drog vi slutsatsen att Göteborg är en lämplig marknad om företaget vill expandera i Sverige och att stora lokaler i centrumkärnan är läget man ska satsa på. An extensive marketingplan.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 21.
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Lean and Agile Philosophies and work-methods in the Swedish Textile Sector: A Pilot Study2013Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year))Oppgave
    Abstract [en]

    Lean Production is a well-established concept that has been most prominent within the car manufacturing industry. It bases on the ide to remove all waste and to strip away unnecessary steps that do not add value to the customer. Agile, on the other hand, is a flexible concept, aimed to stay put during volatile circumstances. This thesis deals with the phenomena of Lean Enterprise, which is an elongation of Lean Production. Now the whole organization, on all levels, is included. The thesis also explores the concept of agile, as in agile development and not in a software focus. The purpose of this study is to identify the dispersion between lean and agile philosophies and methods of working within the Swedish textile industry. No previous research about this subject have been made, solely on Lean Production, both in the textile sector and others, or Lean Enterprise, but then not within the chosen sector. Moreover, have no study been made regarding the Swedish textile sector. In order to pursue this study the authors had to explain what characteristics that are describing the phenomena of Lean Production, Pettersens (2009) research was chosen to display these. Then, these groups of characteristics were transmitted into a suitable Lean Enterprise way of thinking, to lift lean up from solely producing environments. By using this information a quantitative survey with 33 assertions have been assembled and executed on three different companies with a total of 16 respondents. The conclusions that can be drawn from this study are that there are indications that lean do exist on an operative level, throughout whole organizations, with the most prominent group of characteristics being scientific management. The least implemented group of lean characteristics within the participated companies is defects control. The results also did indicate that agile characteristics do exist but however in various amounts and in various parts. This thesis is a pilot study which will be used as the fundament for an upcoming study, therefore the latter part of this thesis’s purpose was to conduct, test and give suggestions for improving a survey.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 22.
    Andersen, Laerke
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    The synthetic Kingdom2011Annet (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    Fashioning the Future Awards has quickly established itself as the leading international student competition for design and innovation in sustainable fashion and attracts entries from all over the world. Founded by the Centre for Sustainable Fashion at London College of Fashion to celebrate and empower the next generation of fashion professionals, the aim of the awards is to employ creativity to challenge the current status quo and to redefine the shape and scope of the fashion industry. Selected finalists – who come from over 30 countries around the world including Brazil, India, Australia and Canada will have their work captured through film, photography, display and interactive media, and showcased in the East Wintergarden at Canary Wharf which will be open to the public from 11th – 13th November 2011. The exhibition will be a multi sensory experience and a beautiful representation of how solutions to some of the world’s toughest environmental imperatives will come from the next generation of designers.

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  • 23.
    Andersen, Laerke
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Haim, Dana
    TBBBS2011Annet (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    londonprintstudio’s forthcoming exhibition strategies of artists and designers who stretch and invisibly mend the codes and clothes we ‘wear’. Clothes entwine references, ironies and identities. Historically garments express a collective state of mind, status, allegiance, expressed disillusionment with authority. In the 1920’s and 1930’s, couturier Schiaparelli clothes that referenced surrealism. londonprintstudio exhibitions explore ideas and boundaries between art, popular culture and social engagement.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 24.
    Andersen, Laerke
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Haim, Dana
    TBBBS2011Annet (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    The Culture Club by Picnic Magazine, Tel Aviv is a four-day pop-up experience which aims to showcase the dynamic and creative spirit of Israel. The Culture Club is less an exhibit and more an experience. It is a snapshot of cultural life in Israel that reflects its vibrant, creative soul; a celebration of pleasure through the senses that showcases the art of joy in a place typically characterized by politics and religion.

  • 25.
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Att skapa kundvärde online2014Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor)Oppgave
    Abstract [sv]

    : E-handeln i Sverige ökar kraftigt och har så gjort de senaste åren. Allt fler företag väljer att etablera sig online, vilket har lett till hård konkurrens på marknaden och svårigheter att differentiera sig. Att skapa ett värde för kunden i traditionell fysisk butik har länge varit självklart inom modebranschen, genom exempelvis god kundservice och lojalitetsprogram. Värde är något som företagen behöver erbjuda sina kunder även i onlinemiljö, men är här mycket mer komplext att skapa, vilket har lett till ett ökat intresse för motiv- och kundbeteende online bland modeföretagen. Förståelsen för dessa aspekter förväntas vara en möjlighet att möta konsumentens behov och uppfylla dennes mål, därigenom skapa tillfredställelse, vilket främjar återkommande besök och köp. Detta har dock visat sig svårt att åstadkomma online eftersom det är upplevelsen som differentierar snarare än produkten i sig. Samtidigt är den hårda sanningen är att likvärdiga eller alternativa produkter enbart är en knapptryckning bort och värdeskapande och lojala kunder är därmed viktigare för e-handelsföretagens framgång än någonsin. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad kundvärde online är och hur detta kundvärde kan skapas. En undersökningsmodell har tagits fram av författarna, baserad på befintlig teori och beprövade modeller för hur köpprocesser ser ut, både online och i fysisk butik. En empirisk undersökning kopplat till detta påbörjades genom kvalitativa pilotstudier i form av semi- strukturerade intervjuer där information framkom rörande konsumenters attityder, preferenser och upplevelser. Informationen som framkom under dessa var tillsammans med studerade teorier, det som låg till grund för den kvantitativa enkätundersökning som genomförts. Enkätundersökningen såväl som pilotstudien har utförts på intressenter till studiens fallföretag som är aktivt inom modebranschen online. Författarna har genom undersökningen haft som mål att undersöka attityder, preferenser och upplevelser för att kartlägga vilka attribut som anses värdeskapande i onlinemiljö. Insamlad information har därefter analyserats av författarna med hjälp av den utformade undersökningsmodellen, i syfte att kunna göra ett uttalande om vilka attribut som är viktiga för att skapa värde vid olika stadium i köpprocessen. Vidare har praktiska åtgärder kopplats till dessa attribut, vilka företag kan vidta för att skapa ett högre värde för sina besökare och kunder. Resultatet indikerar att ansträngningar från företaget är viktiga i alla delar av köpprocessen, men i slutsatsen fastställs att det framförallt är i efterköpstadiet som e-handelsföretag tenderar att brista i sitt arbete med värdeskapande. Viktigt är att inte tappa kundfokus vid efterköpstadiet, eftersom det är i detta skede lojalitet kan uppstå vilket tillsammans med word- of-mouth anses vara det största beviset på att kundvärde har skapats.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 26.
    Andersson, Anna
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Kvist, Emma
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Söderlund, Maja
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Lokal etisk produktion: är den globalt hållbar?2008Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor)Oppgave
    Abstract [en]

    In modern society globalisation is a fact within all industries, the textile industry included. Due to improvement in areas such as logistics and communication international trade have developed fast. As changes occur rapidly on the global market and companies must adjust and revise their processes in order to stay competitive. Because of the global price reduction consumers around the world expect low-price products, which mean that the companies have to find new ways to produce in a cost-efficient way. To maximize profit most of the textile production is situated in low-cost countries due to its labour-intensive character. It is crucial for fashion companies to allocate their activities in their value-chain effectively in order to reduce lead-times. Companies must co-operate within the value chain in order to be competitive on the market. Due to the fact that most textile companies produce in geographical distant countries problems occur. The distance makes it more difficult to shorten lead-times and it is also more difficult to control the suppliers. An alternative for the companies is to find a country close-by to produce in. Consumers used to base their purchasing decision on price and quality but today they are more well-informed and have other demands, amongst them ethical production. Because of this many companies have begun to implement CSR in their organisation which is an ethical and environmental way of conducting business. In our thesis we ask how a textile company organize their value chain with a ethical- and environmental perspective, what they may gain from it and how northern Africa is as a productioarea for southern Europe. We have had a hermeneutic approach throughout our essay. The aim is to understand the textile value-chain seen from an ethical and environmental perspective. A qualitative method of research has been applied since we made a case-study at a company called Mango. Secondary data has been obtained from literature and reports. A large part of our empirics has been gathered through interviews and our own experiences from visits in Spain and Morocco. The most distinct conclusion in our thesis is that companies who work with CSR have to implement it throughout the entire value chain. To make CSR efficient the company must have a ethical foundation based upon a well-defined code-of-conduct. Companies who practice an ethical production can gain competitive advantages but they must make their stakeholders aware of it. If they chose to produce in a country close-by they can receive other advantages within the I ethical and environmental area, such as shorter transports. What can be ascertained from our thesis is that there are more advantages than disadvantages for companies to produce in an ethical and environmental correct way.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 27.
    Andersson, Ann-Christine
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Ungdomlig ålderdom: hur modeföretag marknadsför sig bättre hos äldre kvinnor2009Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year))Oppgave
    Abstract [en]

    When the competition is getting stronger and companies must work harder to find new markets, new products and create new needs to reach growth, it appears strange that they overlook an obvious target segment right in front of their eyes. For some years ago, marketers of fashion brands feared that older women would wear their clothes, because it gave bad promotion for the young economically viable target group. Today, older women have difficulties finding clothes with right fit, style and personal taste. They would gratefully accept a brand, they felt were aimed for them. The purpose of this study is to give new ideas to companies in the fashion industry, how to reach this target group, but also be a contributing reason for older women to see the market opening for them. Through interviews with older women and industry specialists and questionnaires, interesting facts are gathered how fashion companies create strategies successfully. It is time to seriously notice the target group and respect them, as a group with great purchasing power. The company first to succeed can expect good returns, loyal customers and perhaps competitive immunity. In the nearest future when the baby boomers are about to retire, there are all reasons to comply with their needs. They have plenty of money they are planning to spend, active lives were they need clothes for different occasions and they will fill their lives with experiences they had no time to do before. With right strategies comes growth – so go out and catch them!

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 28.
    Andersson, Carolina
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Mitt plagg: Profilkläder för privat vård och omsorg2008Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma)Oppgave
    Abstract [sv]

    Idag finns det ett stort antal företag på den svenska marknaden som tillverkar och säljer profilkläder för vården. Utbudet från dessa företag är slående lika varandra och det finns ett begränsat utbud vad gäller färger och modeller. Inom den privata vårdomsorgen har man mer resurser och därmed större möjligheter att skapa en unik arbetsmiljö. En modern och stilren arbetsklädsel tillför mycket till denna atmosfär och utbudet av profilkläder borde därav breddas. Genom att redogöra för olika ekologiska material samt de grundläggande egenskaperna enligt vilken man skapar ett material av lämplig kvalitet lägger vi grunden för skapandet av en klädsel som tillför en känsla av exklusivitet och unikhet. Lägg därefter till en skapandeprocess av två prototyper av en överdel samt en nederdel som ett alternativ till dagens modeller. Plaggen är inspirerade från klassiskt mode och modeller. Till detta tillkommer sedan färganalys där olika färger presenteras samt färgernas viktigaste egenskaper.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 29.
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Konsumenters köpbeteende: hur handlar kvinnor?2010Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma)Oppgave
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med detta arbete är att ta reda på hur konsumenter handlar konfektion och hur butiker kan påverka kunden till köp i butik. Metoden bygger på sökande av information genom litteratur, Internet, intervjuer och en enkätundersökning. Avgränsningen kring konsumentundersökningen är att endast studera kvinnor i åldrarna 20-60 år. Enkäten skickas endast ut via mail, kundklubb och Facebook för att spara tid.Arbetet bygger på tre huvuddelar: Köpbeteende, Marknadsföring och Butikskommunikation.Teorin består av relevant fakta från olika litterära verk samt Internetsidor. Teorin beskriver vad som påverkar en kund när hon handlar. Det är bland annat humör, tidpunkt, marknadsföring, butikskommunikation, service och atmosfär i butiken.Den empiriska delen är grundad på två intervjuer med personer med stor erfarenhet från konfektionsbranschen samt en enkätundersökning om kvinnors köpbeteende i åldrarna 20-60 år och hur de anser sig handla i butik. Frågorna som ställts handlar mycket om vilka faktorer butiker arbetar med för att skapa en säljfrämjande miljö. Resultaten av de båda intervjuerna stämmer väl överens med varandra.Av enkätsvaren kan inget specifikt mönster inom köpbeteende urskiljas. Däremot visar den på gemensamma drag och samband mellan vissa frågor. Utifrån svaren har det också gjorts tre olika exempelkunder av de respondenter som svarat. De olika exempelkunderna kallas för: Karriärkvinnan, Småbarnsmamman och Studenten. Enkäten har vissa brister vilket kan ha påverkat utfallet. En mer genomarbetad enkät hade varit att föredra. Resultaten från intervjuerna och enkäten tyder på att det finns ett samband med hur butiker bygger upp en bra butik och vad kvinnor påverkas av och förväntar sig av en bra butik. Jämförelsen mellan teorin och empirin visar att det finns gemensamma drag om hur konsumenter handlar i butik och hur butiker kan arbeta med olika faktorer som ljus, färg, doft, musik, skyltning, hängning och butikslayout för att skapa en säljfrämjande miljö.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 30.
    Andersson, Lina
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Persson, Kristin
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Staffas, Anna
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Etablering på snäv marknad-om Gina Tricots möjligheter på Åland2008Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma)Oppgave
    Abstract [sv]

    Åland är en ö vars invånare har utvecklat ett speciellt köpbeteende, som innebär att de åker utanför Åland för att shoppa kläder. Detta för att utbudet på Åland idag är smalt med endast ett fåtal butiker. Avsikten med vår uppsatts är att undersöka och analysera möjligheten att öppna en lönsam Gina Tricot butik på Åland. Det företag vi valt att se närmare på är Gina Tricot som är ett svenskt konfektionsföretag som startades 1997 med syftet att erbjuda bra mode till bra pris. Vi har utvecklat en etableringsplan utifrån Gina Tricots affärskoncept. För att se om en etablering är möjlig har vi undersökt följande förhållanden: kundernas intresse och efterfrågan, konkurrenssituationen idag, etableringsmiljön samt vissa ekonomiska aspekter. Efter att ha utfört intervjuer med branschfolk har vi också tagit fram en omfattande marknadsundersökning som innehåller både påstana enkäter, med 150 stycken svarande, och webbaserade enkäter, med 319 stycken svarande. Resultatet av vår undersökning belyser att det finns ett behov och en efterfrågan hos ålänningar som är större än dagens utbud, vilket visar att det finns en lucka att fylla. På sikt kan det förändra marknadsutbudet, och ge ålänningarna möjlighet att shoppa mer hemma, vilket i sin tur kan leda till ett förändrat köpbeteende. Om Gina Tricot fyller luckan förändras även konkurrenssituationen, då den idag är svag. Att fler butiker tar sig in på den åländska marknaden betyder att mer konkurrens skapas samt att ett aktivare centrum bildas. Den mest problematiska delen uppstår i etableringsmiljö och lokaler; bristen på dem och storleken är en nackdel för en eventuell etablering. De ekonomiska aspekter som påverkar etableringen är de fasta och rörliga kostnaderna, men genom att hitta ett optimalt sätt att få ner dessa skapas en möjlighet till lönsam etablering. För att Gina Tricot ska lyckas på den åländska marknaden anser vi att det är viktigt att de ser till konsumenternas behov och deras speciella beteende, konkurrensläget för att skapa fördelar och undvika hot, etableringsmiljö då lokalerna är väldigt små över lag samt de ekonomiska aspekterna för att driva en så lönsam butik som möjligt. Om Gina Tricot uppmärksammar dessa förhållanden tror vi att det finns möjlighet att driva en lönsam Gina Tricot butik på Åland.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 31.
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Hållbarhet och miljö inom modebranschen2013Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma)Oppgave
    Abstract [sv]

    En rapport om hur Lindex arbetar med miljö- och hållbarhetsfrågor, samt hur de kommunicerar detta med sina kunder.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 32.
    Andersson, Linnea
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Solyta2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor)Oppgave
    Abstract [en]

    This final thesis goal has been to try and develop a titanium dioxide coating for water purification. The coating should be used in a manufacturing industry on textiles. Water purification is achieved through photocatalysis with titanium dioxide and UV-radiation, where hydroxyl radicals form through oxidation. The kind of textile fiber chosen for the substrates is a polyester fiber. The substrates have been developed in several different shapes. Two different knitted patterns was developed, one flat patterned and one wavy patterned. Another kind of substrate was a spacer-type and there was also a substrate made from a PET-bottle. The different substrates were chosen to compare the different coatings effect on different surfaces and the different coatings were developed from two types of titanium dioxide. The coated substrates have been analyzed for hydroxyl radical generating properties. By testing a sample of water with titanium dioxide against a sample with water that had no additives, it was shown that titanium dioxide generates more hydroxyl radicals. The results of the work showed that the recipe containing 3 % titanium dioxide and 3 % acrylic binder showed good properties for water purification. In addition, the results showed a stronger effect for the wavy patterned substrate then the flat patterned, which is an interesting result that should be researched further in the future.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 33.
    Andersson, Märta
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Florentin, Helena
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Bloggar som marknadsföringskanal: En studie om produktplacering2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor)Oppgave
    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 34.
    Andersson, Roy
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Hilletoft, Per
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Manfredsson, Peter
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Hilmola, Olli-Pekka
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Lean Six Sigma strategy in telecom manufacturing2014Inngår i: Industrial management & data systems, ISSN 0263-5577, E-ISSN 1758-5783, ISSN 0263-5577, Vol. 114, nr 6, s. 904-921Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    The Lean Six Sigma strategy ensures flexible, robust, and efficient processes. However, to make them more agile in order to sustain in today’s highly competitive environment, something more is required. This could include staff training, strengthening company culture and collaborating with key partners in the supply chain.

  • 35.
    Andersson, Roy
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Manfredsson, Peter
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Hilletoft, Per
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Lean Six Sigma strategy: A case study from Sweden2014Konferansepaper (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    A Lean Six Sigma strategy ensures more flexible, robust, and efficient processes. However, to make them agile, something more is required. This could include training the staff, strengthening company culture and collaborating with key partners in the supply chain.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 36. Andersson, Roy
    et al.
    Manfredsson, Peter
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Svensson, Victor
    Preventive maintenance is an enabler for operation excellence in support processes2014Konferansepaper (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    TPM in a Lean office environment can create values both in a business and an employee dimension. In the employee dimension TPM reduces the risk of missing/forgetting areas of responsibility and creates more involvement. In the business dimension objectives such as cost, quality and supporting the reduction of waste improved. Preventive maintenance meetings can be included and performed once a month in the ordinary departmental “stand-up meetings”. Methods like 5S, which need to be updated on a continuous basis, and standardized maintenance should also be connected to the TPM work. But first all employees should be trained in order to have the same direction/behavior.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 37.
    Andersson, Roy
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Ingenjörshögskolan.
    Manfredsson, Peter
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Torstensson, Håkan
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    How to Integrate Suppliers by Training in Lean Thinking2013Inngår i: / [ed] Dahlgaard Park, Su Mi, Dahlgaard, Jens, Gomišček, Boštjan, University of Maribor , 2013Konferansepaper (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Purpose: Much research has addressed how to implement lean in a focal company, but little has been published about how to integrate suppliers in strategies and the focal company’s culture, such as lean production or lean thinking. The purpose of the article is to investigate if suppliers can become more integrated in the supply chain by training in lean thinking at the focal company and to explain a possible structure of the training. Design/methodology/approach: A multiple-case study has been conducted of the focal com- pany and five of its supply companies. The findings are supported empirically by on-site interviews and by observations, as well as by a binomial two-proportion test that was used to analyse the statistical data of the delivery precision. Findings: While the training programme does not show a conclusive result for the supply chain, it has made a difference for all participating suppliers. In most cases the training programme was a trigger that started or boosted the internal work with continuous improvements. In some cases it helped create structured ways of working and improved the internal production flows.

  • 38.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    prepositions2013Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor)Oppgave
    Abstract [en]

    Prepositions describes relations between different things. In this collection those things refers to the soft and moving body, hard and stiff sculptural shapes, colours, prints, fabrics and shoes. I have a great passion for sculptural shapes and for this collection I have used this passion as an important source for inspiration. Interesting and challenging meetings between the choice of especially materials and colours is another aspect of this project. Wholeness has a significant meaning to me, as the important thing is not to put focus on the garments themselves rather than the combination of all elements, in the composition of each outfit and in the line-up. I have looked at the different components such as the sculptural shapes, garments, colours, prints and shoes as if they where building blocks. I have arranged and rearranged and combined those building blocks in different ways trying to achieve a dynamic and balanced composition. I have tried to simplify all parts as much as possible when aiming for a clear and strong result.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 39.
    Andersson, Sara
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    prepositions2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor)Oppgave
    Abstract [en]

    Prepositions describes relations between different things. In this collection those things refers to the soft and moving body, hard and stiff sculptural shapes, colours, prints, fabrics and shoes. I have a great passion for sculptural shapes and for this collection I have used this passion as an important source for inspiration. Interesting and challenging meetings between the choice of especially materials and colours is another aspect of this project. Wholeness has a significant meaning to me, as the important thing is not to put focus on the garments themselves rather than the combination of all elements, in the composition of each outfit and in the line-up. I have looked at the different components such as the sculptural shapes, garments, colours, prints and shoes as if they where building blocks. I have arranged and rearranged and combined those building blocks in different ways trying to achieve a dynamic and balanced composition. I have tried to simplify all parts as much as possible when aiming for a clear and strong result.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 40.
    Andersson, Sara
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Back, Victoria
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Framgångsfaktorer vid etablering i Hong Kong för svenska modeföretag2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor)Oppgave
    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 41. Andersson, Viktor
    et al.
    Persson, Nils-Krister
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Inganäs, Olle
    Comparative study of organic thin film tandem solar cells in alternative geometries2008Inngår i: Journal of Applied Physics, ISSN 0021-8979, E-ISSN 1089-7550, Vol. 104, nr 12, s. 6-Artikkel i tidsskrift (Annet (populærvitenskap, debatt, mm))
    Abstract [en]

    Optical modelling of one folded tandem solar cell and four types of stacked tandem solar cells has been performed, using the finite element method and the transfer matrix method for the folded cell and the stacked cells, respectively. The results are analysed by comparing upper limits for short circuit currents and power conversion efficiencies. In the case of serial connected tandems all of the five cell types may be compared, and we find that the folded cells are comparable to stacked tandem cells in terms of currents and power conversion efficiencies.

  • 42.
    Andom, Rebecka
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Joxelius, Patricia
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Entering Japan: A qualitative literary study on potential barriers to market entry for Swedish retail companies in Japan.2012Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year))Oppgave
    Abstract [en]

    Background and problem: There are strong incentives for Swedish retail companies to establish their business in Japan. With its 128 million inhabitants the country accounts for 40 percent of the total world consumption of luxury goods and is the world’s largest importer of foreign fashion. Moreover, Japan is the second largest retail market in the world. However, as a company in a foreign market there are many obstacles to overcome. A Swedish retail company aiming to enter the Japanese market does not have the same insight and knowledge into the formal and informal institutions in the country as a domestic company might have. Furthermore, Japan is experiencing complaints from both business organisations and foreign politicians regarding the trade practices in the country arguing that the Japanese market is not receptive enough to Western products. A company that moreover aims to enter markets where both the cultural and actual distance is far away from the business’ home country shall preferably realize the complexity of such a decision and be as prepared as possible. Purpose: The purpose of the study is that “through a literary study identify and provide a deeper understanding of the major entry barriers a Swedish retail company may encounter when entering the Japanese market”. The following research questions were developed in order to reach the purpose: “What are the main industry and institution-based barriers a Swedish retail company may encounter when establishing its business in Japan?” and “What are the main cultural barriers a Swedish retail company may encounter when establishing its business in Japan?” Methodology: When conducting the study, a descriptive research approach has been used. The study is of a qualitative nature and the design of the study is a descriptive literary study. Performing a literary study involves the collection of data from already published scientific articles, journals and dissertations. The data used for this study consist of eight scientific articles and journals and one dissertation. Conclusions: The analysis was based on the theories, which explains a company’s decisions of where, when and how to enter a foreign market as well as theories that explains a nation’s cultural impact on an organisation. Based on the findings the results were divided into two sections. The study reached the conclusion that among the industry and institution-based barriers the high level of rivalry among firms, the high level of bargaining power of suppliers, the high standards regarding quality and service, regulatory risks, trade barriers and institutional norms were the most important barriers to market entry for foreign companies in Japan. The most important cultural barriers to market entry in Japan were the high level of collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance and masculinity in the country.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 43.
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Produktplacering i film: En studie om konsumenters uppfattning2014Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma)Oppgave
    Abstract [sv]

    I den här uppsatsen undersöker vi huruvida produktplacering kan påverka mottagarens åsikt om ett modevarumärke och vad som krävs för att denna typ av marknadsföring ska få en optimal effekt. Utöver de redan existerande teoretiska källorna har såväl kvalitativ och kvantitativ data samlats in, detta i form av en enkätundersökning och ett experiment utförda av oss. Engelsk titel:

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 44.
    Andréasson, Annie
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Exhibition review: Nordic Award in Textiles 20082009Annet (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 45.
    Andrén, Caroline
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Hermansson, Mariel Alexandra
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Vägen till den virtuella butiken: en studie om Gina Tricots möjligheter att marknadsföra sig online2012Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor)Oppgave
    Abstract [sv]

    Internet når idag över 8 miljoner människor i Sverige och är en naturlig del av vardagen för många. För företag betyder detta en viktig marknadsföringskanal som inte bör underskattas. Genom att kommunicera med målgruppen via plattformer såsom sociala nätverk, bloggar och mikrobloggar kan företag erbjuda mervärde och bygga relationer online. Genom att utnyttja rätt marknadsföringskanal kan onlinemarknadsföring undvika att uppfattas som påträngande för konsumenten och istället inspirera på ett hjälpfullt sätt. Syftet med studien är att med en kartläggning av fast-fashionkonsumenters nätbeteende och attityder fastställa hur modeföretaget Gina Tricot som har flera försäljningskanaler kan öka besöksfrekvensen till den virtuella butiken genom marknadsföring online. Uppsatsen har en kvalitativ ansats med en fallstudiedesign. De insamlade empiriska data är av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ natur då både en bredd och ett djup har eftersträvats. Datamaterialet består av en webbenkät med 181 respondenter, strukturerade intervjuer på stan med 120 respondenter, två gruppintervjuer samt en personlig intervju med en marknadskoordinator. Det empiriska materialet har analyserats utifrån den teoretiska referensramen bestående av teorier om onlinemarknadsföring, konsumentbeteende samt multi-channel-återförsäljning. Studien har visat att bloggar är en stark marknadsföringskanal för modeföretag då konsumenterna känner en stor tillit till bloggare samt då det hjälper dem att förkorta köpprocessen. Analysen visar även att det genom sociala nätverk är viktigt för modeföretag att bygga relationer samt aktivt kommunicera med målgruppen för att skapa lojalitet. Andra starka kanaler har visat sig vara nyhetsbrev samt banners. För att stärka Gina Tricots webbutik har ett behov observerats av att uppmärksamma det breda sortiment som finns representerat på Internet då större utbud visat sig vara det starkaste motivet till onlineshopping i studien. Resultatet visade även att webbutiken behöver erbjuda en högre visuell upplevelse då exponeringen av produkterna på ginatricot.com idag inte överkommer den stora riskuppfattning som köp av kläder online innebär för konsumenten. Sett utifrån ett marknadsföringsperspektiv kan denna förändring ha en positiv word of mouth effekt samt kan till fördel användas vid exponering av produkter på sociala nätverk.Internet reaches today over 8 million people in Sweden and has become a natural part of the everyday life. For companies this means a marketing channel too important to ignore. By communicating with the target group via social networks, blogs and micro blogs the company is able to offer an added value and to build relationships online. By choosing the right marketing channel and strategy the online marketing is able to avoid being seen as intrusive and the consumer could instead perceive the marketing as inspiring and helpful. When using a multichannel perspective offering e-commerce, marketing online becomes important to manage increased awareness and generate more traffic to the web site. The purpose of the study is by the identification of fast fashion consumer’s behavior and attitudes determine how the fashion company Gina Tricot is able to increase the traffic to their virtual store through marketing online. The paper has a case study design with a qualitative approach. The empirical data are both qualitative and quantitative to ensure a depth and a width to the thesis. The gathering of the data has been made through a web survey which consists of 181 respondents, 120 structured interviews, two group interviews and one interview with a market coordinator. The gathered empirics have been analyzed according to the theoretical framework which consists of theories regarding online marketing, consumer behavior and multi-channel retailing. The findings made in the thesis show that blogs are a strong marketing channel because of the great trust consumers feel towards bloggers and since blogs also help consumers to abbreviate the buying process. The analysis also shows that it is important to build relationships on social networks and to actively keep a two-way communication in order to create loyalty. Other effective marketing channels are companies’ newsletters and banner ads. To strengthen the image of the online store of Gina Tricot we have observed a need to inform the consumer of the wide and more unique assortment they offer online since a larger assortment and uniqueness has shown being the strongest reason for online shopping in this thesis. The result also showed that the web shop needs to provide a higher visual experience since the exposure of today’s products on ginatricot.com do not overcome the consumer’s risk perception of buying clothes online. From a marketing perspective this change can have a positive word of mouth effect among consumers and can be used positively when displaying products on social networks.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 46.
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Attityder till hållbart mode: Är hållbarhet en avgörande faktor vid klädköp?2014Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor)Oppgave
    Abstract [sv]

    Vi lever idag i ett samhälle där överkonsumtion av kläder blir allt vanligare. Modebranschen erbjuder ett explosivt utbud av kläder, och ”fast fashion” har blivit ett allmänt känt begrepp. Under de senaste åren har dock ett motstånd till detta växt fram: vissa konsumenter blir alltmer medvetna om hur deras egna konsumtionsvanor påverkar både miljön och människor världen över. Massproduktionens- och masskonsumtionens tid förväntas därmed snart vara över, och hållbarhet förutspås bli en så kallad megatrend inom såväl klädbranschen som andra branscher. Det har tidigare genomförts en mängd forskning om hållbarhet och hur detta påverkar konsumenters köpbeslut. Trots att etik och miljö uppmärksammas alltmer menar dock många forskare att det idag finns ett gap mellan konsumenters uttalade omtanke om hållbarhet och deras faktiska ageranden. Många kunder uttrycker en positiv attityd till ämnet och en önskan om att bidra till en hållbar utveckling, men det är fortfarande få som tar hänsyn till detta i sitt beteende. Syftet med vår studie är att bidra till en ökad kunskap om gapet mellan konsumenters uttalade omtanke om hållbarhet och deras faktiska ageranden. Vi har under arbetets gång samarbetat med Nudie Jeans som är ett klädföretag som aktivt arbetar med miljö och etik. Trots sitt ekologiska ställningstagande är dock företaget frågande till hur stor inverkan hållbarhet faktiskt har i deras kunders köpbeslut. Vår studie baseras på en kvantitativ undersökning där empirin utgörs av webbenkäter som skickats ut till ett urval av Nudie Jeans kunder. Det resultat som vår undersökning genererat sammanställdes i datorprogrammet SPSS, och redovisas i ett flertal tabeller. Vi testade även samband mellan ett antal relevanta variabler för att tydligare få svar på vår studies syfte. Resultatet av vår undersökning antyder att det även bland Nudie Jeans kunder finns ett gap mellan uttalad omtanke om hållbarhet och faktiska ageranden. Eftersom urvalet består av Nudie Jeans kunder kan dessa antas ha en positiv inställning till hållbarhet, och ett handlande därefter. Så är dock inte fallet. Vår studie indikerar att respondenterna har en positiv inställning till hållbarhet och en vilja att lägga ner både mer tid och pengar på köp av denna typ av varor. Resultatet pekar även på att hållbarhet är en av de tre viktigaste faktorerna vid köp av såväl kläder generellt som jeans specifik. Dock är det fortfarande något som saknas för att denna positiva attityd ska omvandlas till handling. Den slutsats som kan dras från vår undersökning är att det hållbara klädutbud som marknaden idag erbjuder inte är tillräckligt, både vad gäller estetik och mängd. Existerande modeföretag måste uppenbarligen arbeta för att få en bättre förståelse för vad deras kunder efterfrågar, och därefter utveckla klädkollektioner som stämmer in på detta.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 47. Aneja, Arun
    et al.
    Pal, Rudrajeet
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    The Quest for Continual Growth in Textiles: Innovation Diversity and Organizational Resiliency2012Konferansepaper (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    The brutally competitive nature globally and raw material volatility of textile industry are some of the reasons why companies cannot afford to fall behind in efficiency, innovation or organizational resiliency. The present article seeks to explore the common thread and textile-related scientific views that changed our lives through the ages. Who were the textile dream weavers and the companies that transformed our industry? In addition we explore how we can use the teachings of these lessons to build novel platforms for innovations in textiles for the future. Today, textiles and fiber science in US and Europe, from its once lofty perch in the global economy, stands in stark contrast to its preeminent position of just a decade ago. Its influence on the society as a whole has eroded enormously. Many of the synthetic fiber products that once fueled the rapid growth of the industry have become mature commodity products now characterized by low growth and lower profit margins. Intense global cost pressure, higher consumer expectations, a highly diverse customer base, shorter fashion cycles and reduced R&D spending have all contributed to the current malaise. What does the future hold and how can we reverse the trend to achieve and sustain the impressive credentials of the past? To add to the current dilemma, organizational ‘health’ and growth processes are constantly threatened in this era of turbulence. James Moore, in his book ‘The Death of Competition’ (1995) describes this dynamics as a ‘co-evolving’ one with unpredictable changes in markets, technology, workforces and organizations. Thus the drive for survival and success has translated, in recent times, to quest for resiliency – to survive and thrive in turbulences. On the other hand, most managers and academicians agree that innovation ensures superior organizational performance while recent research has shown that most resilient companies can dynamically orchestrate diverse innovation strategies. This has intensified the organization’s search for differentiated products and services, processes, business models, technology, strategies etc. pushing firms to gain competitive advantage and also to develop new knowledge and innovation performances to drive sustainable growth. This has resulted in organizations to follow multiple innovation strategies and to prudently devise their innovation repertoire for delivering growth, hence, success in turbulent times emphasizing resiliency. In this paper, authors diagnose an organization’s innovation in terms of the tendency to utilize its resources and dynamic capabilities, and streamline them along an ‘innovation topology’ viewed through a two dimensional matrix of (i) locus of development - innovation either internal or external to the organization, and (ii) change in performance - innovation either in use or being created newly. The portfolio of innovation strategies include sustaining innovation (internal) or through mergers and acquisitions (M&A)/joint ventures (JV) (by extending firm boundary) but using existing resources and capabilities in both cases; or radical/break-through innovations (creating new capacities internally) or disruptive/transformational innovation (exploring and creating new capacities beyond existing boundaries). A case study approach is adopted using Du Pont Company with its unparallel 200 years of ‘history of innovation and transformation’ for validating the proposed model. This is seminal from both business and academic theory-building perspective for devising unique innovation repertoire and organizational resiliency for continual growth.

  • 48. Aneja, Arun
    et al.
    Pal, Rudrajeet
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Militky, Jiri
    Kupka, Karel
    Kremenakova, Dana
    Torstensson, Håkan
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Textile Thru the Looking Glass: A Novel Perspective2013Konferansepaper (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    Today, textiles and fiber science in US, Europe and Japan from its once lofty perch in the global economy, stands in stark contrast to its preeminent position of few decades ago. Its influence on the society as a whole has eroded enormously. Many of the synthetic fiber products that once fuelled the rapid growth of the industry have become mature commodity products now characterized by low growth and lower profit margins. To add to the current dilemma, organizational ‘health’ and growth processes are constantly threatened in this era of turbulence. Thus the drive for survival and success has translated, in recent times, to quest for resiliency – to survive and thrive in turbulences. On the other hand, most managers and academicians agree that innovation ensures superior organizational performance while recent research has shown that most resilient companies can dynamically orchestrate diverse innovation strategies. Resiliency in such a context has become a prerequisite for a sustained long term business prosperity fuelled by diverse technological innovations. This has intensified the organization’s search for differentiated products and services, processes, business models, technology, strategies etc. pushing firms to gain competitive advantage and also to develop new knowledge and innovation performance to drive sustainable growth. Organizations now follow multiple innovation strategies to pragmatically devise their innovation repertoire for delivering growth, hence, success in turbulent times while emphasizing resiliency. What does the future hold and how can we reverse the trend to achieve and sustain the impressive credentials of the past? To understand the significance of what the future may hold, and to reverse the downward spiral of the industry, we must evaluate the successes and failures of the past and come to grips with rapid global changes and turbulences currently underway. The present article seeks to explore such an inexorable phenomenon of quantifying and correlating innovation and business resiliency over a time line, from the annual financial data of 35 healthy and unhealthy companies along with 5 textile companies over a span of few decades. These are then extrapolated with certain predictive capabilities to suggest future trends and strategies for the textile companies. Learning from these companies, if adopted, will yield capacity to transform the scenario. Assessments and classification of the economic health of a company is typically made based on some quantity derived from selected indices, such as Altman’s Z-score. These methods can describe an instantaneous status, or a “time snap” of an economical subject but lack information about the time-dynamics of the assessment, which is important for investors, shareholders and the management. We suggest using historical data to estimate current trends in the form of the first and second time-derivative of the appropriate quantity in the time domain. This new information is independent on the quantity itself and beside more precise description can be used as new predictor to improve effectiveness of classification of successful and unsuccessful subjects. This approach is further discussed in this paper.

  • 49.
    Ankarling, Pia
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Mehlqvist, Lisa
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Betydelsefulla faktorer som bör ingå i en marknadsföringsmix för modeprodukter till barn2008Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor)Oppgave
    Abstract [en]

    In a society where children are getting a bigger influence over the family’s consumption and where more products for children are purchased, the market for children products has expanded. This growth is due to a higher amount of older parents which have a god economy and are choosing to spend more money on products for their children. Also the fact that parents use fashion products for children as a way to reflect their own status and that children are becoming more fashionable and aware of trends have contributed to the markets expansion. All together this leads to a grown importance of knowledge for marketers concerning the market. What makes the market for children’s products so complex is the fact that marketers needs to considerate the fact that both mother and child is the consumer. From this, two problems have been identified from which this study derives from, and they are how the integrated buying decision making process appears regarding fashion products for children and also which significant factors that should be included in the formation of a marketing mix for this type of products. Through collection of questionnaires from mothers of children in the ages between six and twelve, and also interviews with shop staff in Lindex and KappAhl stores, as well as observations in two of these stores, we have gathered empirical data. This data has combined with chosen theories and former research, been the foundation for our conclusions regarding identified problems. Regarding the buying decision making process we have come to the conclusion that both mother and child are active when choosing products and take on several different roles during the process. We also have come to the conclusion that it is of great importance for companies to have an understanding for both mother and child, in order to be able to communicate their message to them. Regarding the formation of the marketing mix we have come to the conclusion that the four factors price, place, product and promotion must interact whit each other in order to make an effective message.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 50.
    et al.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan.
    ALTERNATIVT INSLAGSGARN TILL VÄVDA PVC-GOLV2014Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor)Oppgave
    Abstract [sv]

    I denna studie undersöks möjligheterna att ta fram en alternativ inslagstråd till Bolons vävda PVC-golv för att förbättra dess akustiska egenskaper. Golvet som studien utgick från var vävt i tvåskaft med PVC-garn i varp och väft. Den nya inslagstråden måste klara de processbetingelser som Bolons golvproduktion innebär utan att krympa mer än 5 %, antända eller brytas ned. För att möjliggöra förvaring, installation samt få en högre motståndskraft mot nötning bör inslagstråden fixera med PVC-varpen. Det färdiga golvet, skall klara nötning utan att trådbrott eller färgändring uppstår. Samt uppvisa en förbättrad ljudabsorption. Krympning hos garn samt garns fixering med PVC har testats genom, för studien framtagna, test. Fixeringen i det färdiga golvet testades med en dragprovsmaskin. Absorption av ljud testades genom mätning av strömningsmotstånd enligt standarden ISO 9053. Nötningstest utfördes med en stolshjulsmaskin enligt SS EN 985. Utifrån studien dras slutsatsen att ett alternativt inslagsgarn ger ökad ljudabsorption hos Bolons vävda golv. Frågetecken kvarstår dock hur väven skall stabiliseras för att erhålla användarvänlighet då de studerade materialen ej fixerar. I och med den uteblivna fixeringen samt garnens konstruktion nöts de framtagna vävarna i golvkonstruktion betydligt mer än Bolons originalgolv.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
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