The purpose of this research in progress is to explore the process of physical planning related to transport of dangerous goods in the City of Gothenburg (CoG) in Sweden. We have identified actors involved, some of their conflicts of interest, and challenges discernable in the planning process and in external yet related activities. Such activities are transportation of dangerous goods itself, and its supervisory control. Qualitative data in terms of written documentation from the detailed plan for transport of dangerous goods in CoG, and transcriptions of interviews have been analyzed. The ontology of the planning process, in terms of internal and external actors, activities, documentation, including legal frameworks, and issues such as access to information, information sharing, and information quality, indicate that the process can be seen as an information environment (Magoulas and Pessi, 1998; Hugosson, Magoulas, and Pessi, 2011). In the next step, the authors intend to expand the research work, and to conceptualize the planning process as an information environment. Stimulated by the idea of possible similarities between the planning process and large architectural design projects, the information environment is planned to be studied as form, context, and temporality (Boland, et al., 2008 and 2020). The research relates to the zero vision in traffic and a safer society (Trafikutskottet, 1998), strategy for research and development - Investing in knowledge for a safer society (MSB 2019), SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities, and to the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. This paper reports on research executed within the transdisciplinary research project Transparent information management and collaboration for increased safety in the transport of dangerous goods (TISS, 2016-2021).