Understanding and formation - the essence in becoming a caring nurseA-H. Sandvik*2,3, K. Eriksson2, Y. Hilli1,31Novia university of applied sciences, Finland, 2Åbo Akademi University, Finland, 3BoråsUniversity, SwedenIntroduction: Nurse education most often focus on a linear problem-solving process,exemplifying a narrow, technical rationality (Benner & Sutphen 2007). In other words, attentionis largely given to tasks or technical skills (Mulcahy 2011), while the focus rather should be ondeveloping students' understanding (Gustavsson 2011). There is need for a new approach thattargets the processes of becoming and supports identity formation, with the key purpose ofdeveloping professional ways of being, rather than simply knowledge and skills (Dall’Alba2009).Aim: The aim was to clarify the meaning and essence of understanding, as well as to exploreand deepen the understanding of student nurses' processes of understanding and becoming,with the intention of developing a theory model for caring didactics.Methods: The study had a hermeneutical approach and was based on qualitative andquantitative data. The study was longitudinal and followed the students at three universitiesthroughout the education.Findings: Understanding was perceived as an unlimited, endless movement, which can beillustrated as a lemniscate, i.e. a lying eight. Seeing, knowing and becoming are the warpthreads that constitutes the lemniscate. These interwoven threads run throughout the sevenstages of the lemniscate. The infinite spiral movement leads to an ever-increasing degree offormation (Bildung). The lemniscate of understanding circles around two hubs, ethos and arête.A caring culture encloses the lemniscate of understanding, it provides the life space ofunderstanding, and the prevailing basic values are expressed in the culture of the learningspace.Conclusion: Learning and understanding is a process of formation (Bildung). It is not merelylearning and training, but having the opportunity and space to grow into the person one is meantto be. It is not sufficient to confine education to mediation of knowledge and technical skills,whereas true understanding and learning involves a transformation of oneself as a person.There is a need to emphasize this and give it a more prominent position in the nursingeducation.References:Benner, P., & Sutphen, M. (2007). Learning across the professions: The clergy, a case in point.Journal of Nursing Education, 46(3), 103-108.Dall’Alba, G. (2009). Learning to be professionals. Dordrecht: Springer.Gustavsson, B. (2011). Att humanisera och demokratisera utbildning. [To humanize anddemocratize education]. In M. Jensen (Ed.), Lärandets grunder. [The basis for learning] (pp.237-251). Lund: Studentlitteratur.Mulcahy, D. (2011). Teacher professional becoming: A practice-based, actor-network theoryperspective. In L. Scanlon (Ed.), 'Becoming' a professional: An interdisciplinary analysis ofprofessional learning (pp. 219-244). Dordrecht: Springer.Keywords: understanding, becoming, Bildung, formation