In accounting the treatment of purchased goodwill is the most controversial issue. Over the past decades, numerous debates have been raised to deal with the problems and issues associated with the valuation of goodwill. This study reviewed some of the academic researches and found that academic debates have mainly centered on the bookkeeping problems of the subsequent values such as cost allocations, impairment, and profit inflation rather than the problem of the acquisition value. After examining past accounting approaches and other issues surrounding the valuation of goodwill, it was discovered that the main accounting problem is primarily related to the accountability of management in regards with the determination of the initial value, rather than the analysis of the firms' bookkeeping treatments. By means of the examples and illustrations of the accounting techniques and valuation theory, this study confirms that controversy will remain, not just in regards with the subsequent valuation and bookkeeping aspects of the transactions, but chiefly in regards with the determination of the initial value and incorporation of accountability in the process of accounting for goodwill. In the final section a normative and independent valuation model is suggested that has the limited objective of improving the analysis and valuation of the goodwill acquisition.