How fast can you comfortably travel between two points A and B? This question is formulated as a minimization problem of a functional where the discomfort is quantified in terms of the integral of the square of the acceleration between A and B. The problem is solved in terms of the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equation and approximately using a direct variational approach based on trial functions and Ritz optimization. The main purpose of the analysis is to introduce undergraduate students to variational calculus in an interesting and pedagogical way.
An analysis based on the Galerkin method is given of some nonlinear oscillator equations that have been analyzed by several other methods, including harmonic balance and direct variational methods. The present analysis is shown to provide simple yet accurate approximate solutions of these nonlinear equations and illustrates the usefulness and the power of the Galerkin method. (C) 2010 American Association of Physics Teachers.
A short introduction is given about direct variational methods and their relation to Galerkin and moment methods, all flexible and powerful approaches for finding approximate solutions to difficult physicalequations. An application of these methods is given in the form of the variational problem of minimizing the discomfort experienced during different journeys, between two fixed horizontal points while keeping the travel time constant. The analysis is shown to provide simple, yet accurate, approximate solutions of the problem and illustrates the usefulness and the power of direct variational and moment methods. It also demonstrates the problem of a priori assessing the accuracy of the approximate solutions and illustrates that the variational solution does not necessarily provide a more accurate solution than that obtained by moment methods.