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  • 1. Abylaev, Mansur
    Kyrgyz textile companies’ resilience features in the post-Soviet regionalization processes2013Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The Kyrgyz textile industry is a fast growing sector since the last decade. The combination of international market conjuncture and low input factors were the main reasons for the development of the textile sector. Legal and political modification of the international trade system is a risk for the whole industry's resilience. The purpose of the paper is to identify the vulnerable points of doing business in the context of economic transformation from planned Soviet to free market economy.

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  • 2.
    Aden Hassan, Lacky
    et al.
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Tecklay, Sara
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Förtroendet för polisen, skiljer det sig mellan kön och ålder?: en kvantitativ studie i hur potentiella skillnader kan ta sig i uttryck2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    För att samhället ska fungera måste det finnas ett högt förtroende för samhällets institutioner. Det resulterar oftast i att samhället fungerar effektivt, även när det gäller ekonomiska faktorer och det i sin tur leder till ett mer socialt och hållbart samhälle. Ett lågt förtroende för samhällets olika institutioner kan däremot leda till många negativa konsekvenser. Flera studier har visat att när det uppstår brist på förtroende mot samhällets institutioner, speciellt polismyndigheten, så kan det leda till stora problem för samhället. Ett högt förtroende för polisen däremot medför bland annat att medborgare uppfattar att polisen är mer pålitlig och opartisk. Syftet med den här studien är att få en större förståelse kring förtroendet för polismyndigheten. Genom att undersöka skillnader i uppfattning av polismyndigheten mellan män och kvinnor samt om ålder är en underliggande faktor i hur förtroendet ser ut för polisen. Den här studien är en kvantitativ studie som baseras på en SOM-undersökning från 2019 och det är med hjälp av den studien som vi kommer att analysera jämförelsen mellan män och kvinnor samt om ålder är en faktor för hur förtroendet för Polismyndigheten varierar. SOM-undersökningar har genomförts vid Göteborgs universitet sedan 1986 via en organisation som kallas för SOM-institutet. Datan analyserades genom ett chi-tvåtest i statistikanalysprogrammet SPSS. Resultaten presenteras i form av tabeller och diagram, och analyseras genom deskriptiv analys samt statistisk sambandsanalys.

  • 3.
    Ahlgren, Robin
    et al.
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Martinger Storme, Alfred
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Stöd från fjärran: Upplevelser av socialt stöd vid distansarbete i coronatider2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Detta är en kvalitativ fenomenologisk studie som undersöker kontorsarbetares upplevelser av distansarbetets påverkan på socialt stöd. Studien betraktar förändringar i socialt stöd utifrån tre aspekter: möjligheten att ge stöd till kollegor, möjligheten att söka stöd i arbetet och möjligheten att ta emot stöd i arbetet. Studien ser även hur respondenterna uppfattar att förändringarna har påverkat deras välmående i arbetslivet. Materialet tolkas genom Karaseks och Theorells krav-kontroll-socialt stöd-modellen där socialt stöd delas in i instrumentellt och emotionellt stöd samt riktat och icke-riktat stöd. Studien kommer bland annat fram till att behov kring socialt stöd är mycket individuellt och personer ofta utgår från sina egna behov för att avgöra vilket stöd de anser att andra behöver vilket belyser vikten av dialog kring individuella behov för att skapa förutsättningar för välmående. Studien har även visat att djupa sociala interaktioner inte upplevs påverkas avsevärt av distansarbete men att ytliga sociala interaktioner märkvärt upplevs bli påverkat av distansarbete. Förändringen i ytliga sociala interaktioner påverkar det upplevda välmåendet negativt.

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  • 4.
    Ahlstrand, Frida
    et al.
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Anderzén, Johanna
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Prestationskrav och arbetstillfredsställelse: en kvalitativ studie om medarbetaresupplevelser av höga prestationskrav2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Sjukskrivning på grund av stress och utmattningssymtom ökar. En anledning till detta är höga prestationskrav i arbetet. Prestationskrav finns mer eller mindre, i olika former, på nästan allaarbetsplatser. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur arbetstillfredsställelsen och känslan av meningsfullhet påverkar medarbetare som arbetar mot höga kvantitativa prestationskrav samt hur möjligheten till att använda egenkontroll och socialt stöd för att väga upp detta upplevs. Det är en kvalitativ studie med sju semistrukturerade intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod. Tidigare forskning har studerats om utbrändhet, högpresterande arbetsmetoder, välbefinnande och prestationsförväntningar. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är i huvudsak Karasek och Theorells krav-kontroll-stödmodell och Antonovskys teori om känslan av sammanhang. Studiens resultat visar att arbetstillfredsställelsen och känslan av sammanhang påverkas av prestationskraven, men även att möjligheterna till egenkontroll och socialt stöd varierar mellan intervjupersonernas arbetsplatser. I diskussionen framkom det att det är svårt att väga upp höga prestationskrav genom egenkontroll, däremot tycks det vara lättare att väga upp detta med socialt stöd. Det framkom också att höga krav utan tillräcklig kontroll och stöd frånchefer bidrog till upplevelsen av otillräcklighet och minskad motivation. Det sociala stödet och möjligheten till egenkontroll visade sig även vara viktiga faktorer för att ökaarbetstillfredsställelsen och känslan av meningsfullhet i arbetet.

  • 5.
    Ainamo, Antti
    University of Borås, Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business.
    Transvaluation of the meaning of “fast” in fast food, fast music, and fast fashion2015Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper explores how to transvaluate, to re-evaluate and to repudiate neoliberal standards for creative and cultural industries. The paper's focus is on three creative and cultural industries -- food, music and fashion -- all of which have crafts-based origins. These industries were long under the protective eye and of, in one way or another, of the cultural system of what is a nation. However since the 1970s or the 1980s these industries have increasingly been dominated and domesticated by the still continuing rise of the values of neoliberalism, subjected to wave upon wave of reengineering and reorganization, assimilated into the global market system.

    At one extreme, affluent consumers, often affluent owner-capitalists or financiers, are empowered to determine what is good food, good music, or good fashion. These affluents are now increasingly co-creators of what they consider culturally meaningful for themselves. Growing amounts of resources flow in the direction of making and keeping the affluents content, which is not always in fit with culturally meaningful content from the perspective of the traditional or authentic creatives in these industries: the chefs, the artists, the designers, What the affluents desire are fancy restaurants, selective clubs, and expensive clothes. Catering to the lifestyles of these rich and famous is increasingly a trans-industry of its own, with ever less room for authentic cultural creation, as authenticity used to be understood. New bureaucratic forms of education and training drive by various forms of "positive psychology" reproduce the focus on the tongues, minds and navels of the affluent, as if their satisfaction and inspiration of these were the only global standard that matters.  By virtue of their new role as co-creators, the affluents are offered what is rich in meaning and high in value to them.

    At the other extreme, the authentic cultural creatives following vocation and the average citizen have received the stick, at best left holding its short end. Cultural creatives trying to follow their original call and the average citizen are now both squeezed out of being key beneficiaries of participation in these industries. What is forced down throats, into ears and on bodies are degenerated, industrialized and highly wasteful variations - fast food, fast music, fast fashion - co-created with and for the affluents. Almost explicitly hindered by market prices to access such meaning, in any case, the cultural creatives and the average citizen are face to face with the neoliberal tide that is drowning the original authenticity of arts of crafts and their meanings. Values that originally drove food, music, and fashion industries, such as sustainability, are now increasingly dominated, converted and domesticated by neoliberal, technocratic and bureaucratic values and ideologies.

    Analysis of food, music and fashion industries in various countries in this paper suggests that to transvaluate the neoliberal tide what is needed is a trans-disciplinary mindset, reminiscent of authentic innocence of the crafts-minded and pre-industrial hierarchy of life-affirming values and norms: to reflect upon, to act upon, and to adhere what is good by virtue of good with local environments and authentic ways of consumption, cultural practice, and creativity.  Recipes, hits and fashions to repudiate what has been wasteful and inefficient in fast food, music and fashion include good food, good music, upcycled clothes, and new technologies. The paper calls for further research on how to trans-valuate, trans-discipline and cross-pollinate across these recipes, hits, and fashions.



    Ainamo, A. 2014 Rethinking textile fashion: New materiality, smart products, and upcycling, Design Research Journal, 2, 53-60.

    Appadurai, A 2013 " The future as cultural fact: essays on the global condition" - Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, 2013

    Appadurai, A. 2013b "Response to comments", Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, 2013

    Appadurai, A. 1988 "How to make a national_cuisine: Cookbooks in contemporary India", .Comparative Studies in History and Society, 30(1): 3-24.

    GC Bruner -1990 "Music, mood, and marketing", The Journal of Marketing.

    C Caldwell, SA Hibbert -2002 "The influence of music tempo and musical preference on restaurant patrons' behavior", Psychology & Marketing.

    C Caldwell, SA Hibbert 1999 "Play that one again: the effect of music tempo on consumer behaviour in a restaurant", European Advances in Consumer Research,

    F Dannen - 1991 Hit men: Power brokers and fast money inside the musicbusiness

    - Random House LLC

    SA Eroglu, KA Machleit, JC Chebat 2005 "The interaction of retail density and music tempo: effects on shopper responses", Psychology & Marketing,

    hargadon and Sutton 1997 "Technology brokering in a product design firm2, Administrative Science Quarterly.

    FH Kirkpatrick 1943 ", " - Journal of applied psychology, 1943

    Krol, P. J. and Lavoie, M. 2014, "Beyond nursing nihilism, a Nietzschean transvaluation of neoliberal values,"Nursing Philosophy, 15(2): 112-124.

    McElrea, H  and Standing, L 1992 "Fast music causes fast drinking",Perceptual and Motor Skills.

    Millman, R. 1986 "The influence of background music on the behavior of restaurant patrons," Journal of Consumer Research.

    Rita Orji • Julita Vassileva • Regan L. Mandryk 2013 LunchTime: a slow-casual game for long-term dietary behavior change, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. Pers Ubiquit Comput; DOI 10.1007/s00779-012-0590-6

    TC Roballey, C McGreevy, RR Rongo 1985 "The effect of music on eating behavior",

    ... - Bulletin of the ...,  - Springer

    Rozin, P. & Fallon, A. 1986 "Likes and dislikes , in What Is America Eating?: Proceedings of a Symposium. Food and Nutrition Board, Commission on Life Sciences, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council

    Sassarelli, R. 2013 "Value, valuation, transvaluation" Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, 2013

    A Szabo, A Small, M Leigh 1999 "The effects of slow-and fast-rhythm classical music on progressive cycling to voluntary physical exhaustion." The Journal of sports medicine and ..., 1999


  • 6. Alexandersson, Karin
    et al.
    Beijer, Elisabeth
    Bengtsson, Staffan
    Hyvönen, Ulf
    Karlsson, Per-Åke
    University of Borås, School of Health Science.
    Nyman, Marie
    Producing and consuming knowledge in social work practice: research and development activities in a Swedish context2009In: Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice, ISSN 1744-2648, E-ISSN 1744-2656, Vol. 5, no 2, p. 127-139Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this article is to describe how experince-based knowledge can be made visible by giving some examples of how this has been done in Swedish social welfare services, in collaborations between social services agencies and research and development (R&D) units. These examples will be linked to theories and discussed in relation to different research utilisation models. By using one of these models, it is argued that R&D activities can broaden the concept of evidence-based practice and help brigde the gap between research and pracice.

  • 7. Alexandersson, Mikael
    et al.
    Limberg, Louise
    University of Borås, Swedish School of Library and Information Science.
    Changing Conditions for Information Use and Learning in Swedish Schools: A Synthesis of Research2012In: Human IT, ISSN 1402-1501, E-ISSN 1402-151X, Vol. 11, no 2, p. 131-154Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article presents findings from a series of research studies conducted between 1998 and 2010 on the way in which knowledge formation occurs through students' own research and on the interaction between information seeking and use and learning.

  • 8.
    Alexopoulou, Sofia
    et al.
    Örebro universitet, Institutionen för humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskap.
    Fart, Frida
    Örebro universitet, Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaper.
    Jonsson, Ann-Sofie
    Örebro universitet, Restaurang- och hotellhögskolan.
    Karni, Liran
    Örebro universitet, Handelshögskolan vid Örebro Universitet.
    Kenalemang, Lame Maatla
    Örebro universitet, Institutionen för humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskap.
    Krishna, Sai
    Örebro universitet, Institutionen för naturvetenskap och teknik.
    Lindblad, Katarina
    Örebro universitet, Musikhögskolan.
    Loutfi, Amy
    Örebro universitet, Institutionen för naturvetenskap och teknik.
    Lundin, Elin
    Örebro universitet, Institutionen för hälsovetenskaper.
    Samzelius, Hanna
    Örebro universitet, Institutionen för humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskap.
    Schoultz, Magnus
    Örebro universitet, Institutionen för humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskap.
    Spang, Lisa
    Örebro universitet, Institutionen för hälsovetenskaper.
    Söderman, Annika
    Örebro universitet, Institutionen för hälsovetenskaper.
    Tarum, Janelle
    Örebro universitet, Institutionen för hälsovetenskaper.
    Tsertsidis, Antonios
    Örebro universitet, Handelshögskolan vid Örebro Universitet.
    Widell, Bettina
    Örebro universitet, Institutionen för humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskap.
    Nilsson, Kerstin (Editor)
    Örebro universitet, Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaper.
    Successful ageing in an interdisciplinary context: popular science presentations2018Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 9.
    Aljicevic, Anel
    et al.
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Gashi, Ermal
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Lean inom offentlig förvaltning: En studie av lean-implementering inom en arbetslivsförvaltning2023Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Bakgrund: Lean som arbetskoncept är väl definierat. Vanligtvis initieras Lean på ledningsnivån och som sedan rör sig nedåt i den hierarkiska ordningen inom en organisation där samtliga medarbetare involveras. På så vis är målsättningen att bidra till en organisationskultur som har positiv inverkan på organisationens utveckling och produktivitet. Vi vill med denna studie närmare undersöka de praktiska erfarenheterna från en svensk arbetslivsförvaltning i deras arbete med implementering av Lean och dess effekter. 

    Syfte: Ambitionen med denna studie är att undersöka upplevelser av fördelar och utmaningar av Lean hos chefer och medarbetare. Detta genom att undersöka implementering av Lean i en kommunal arbetslivsförvaltning och dess verksamheter. 

    Metod: Studien bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med åtta personer som har haft ansvar för implementering av Lean i en arbetslivsförvaltning. Materialet analyseras med i förväg valda teoretiska utgångspunkter såsom Nyinstitutionell teori och Skandinavisk institutionell teori. 

    Slutsatser: Implementeringen av Lean upplevs som positivt av respondenterna inom kommunkoncernen utifrån att de söker efter ständiga förbättringar och att det ses som viktigt att testa effektiviseringsmodeller. Implementering av Lean medförde ett annat förhållningssätt gentemot medborgarna som respondenterna möter i sitt arbete. Det är i högre utsträckning medborgaren som är i fokus nu. Medarbetarna upplever att de beaktar medborgarna mer nu än tidigare, då verksamheten präglades av ett myndighetstänk och tidskrävande administrativa processer. Vi har kommit till slutsatsen att Lean ibland används av fel anledning. Medarbetarna upplever inte att Lean ska användas för medarbetarens och medborgarens bästa. Studiens slutsats är att metoden inte bör användas som en effektivisering för att minska kostnader och personal. 

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  • 10.
    Allan, J
    Foucault and his acolytes: Discourse, power and ethics2012In: Social Theory and Education Research: Understanding Foucault, Habermas, Bourdieu and Derrida / [ed] M Murphy, Routledge , 2012Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 11.
    Allan, J
    Thinking again about inclusion2012In: Includering. Perspektiver i barnehagefalige praktiser / [ed] A Arnesen, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget , 2012Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 12.
    Allan, Julie
    et al.
    Ozga, JennySmith, Geri
    Social capital, professionalism and diversity2009Collection (editor) (Other academic)
  • 13.
    Allwood, Jens
    et al.
    University of Borås, School of Business and IT.
    Ahlsén, Elisabeth
    University of Borås, School of Business and IT.
    Multimodal Intercultural Interaction and Communication Technology: A conceptual framework for designing and evaluating Multimodal Intercultural Communicators2009In: Multimodal Corpora, Springer , 2009Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 14.
    Alm, Håkan
    University of Borås, School of Business and IT.
    Culture Shock in Bangkok: Little anecdotes from Bangkok and Thailand2000Other (Other academic)
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  • 15.
    Alonzo, Ylva
    et al.
    University of Borås, Central Administration.
    Holmqvist, Hans
    University of Borås, Central Administration.
    Högskolan i Borås regionala betydelse: ur ett näringslivsperspektiv2003Report (Other academic)
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  • 16.
    Amnér, Erika
    et al.
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Pohlin, Emma
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    "Vi skapar värde om vi hjälper andra": En intervjustudie om hur individer med arbetsledande HR-befattningar upplever sina roller2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Det är HR:s uppgift att föra samman organisationens mål och uppdrag med de mänskliga resurserna. Att medarbetarna är organisationens viktigaste resurs är en etablerad uppfattning. Studien undersökte hur individer med arbetsledande HR-befattningar inom den kommunala sektorn upplever sin mångsidiga roll vad gäller att skapa värde för och tillgodose förväntningar hos olika aktörer inom organisationen. Vidare undersökte studien hur individer med dessa befattningar beskriver sina roller samt hur de upplever att växla mellan de olika rollerna. Studien är genomförd på åtta individer med arbetsledande HR-befattningar inom den kommunala sektorn genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med ett tematiskt upplägg. Ulrich och Brockbanks normativa teori om värdeskapande HR, Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv, Katz och Kahns teori om rolloklarhet och rollkonflikt i kombination med tidigare forskning inom ämnet har använts för att förstå respondenternas upplevelser av sina arbetsroller. Resultatet av studien visar att HR:s mångsidiga roller upplevs olika, rollens frihet ses som positivt dock upplevs tid- och resursaspekten ibland som utmanande. Fyra huvudroller har definierats: en arbetsledande roll, en verksamhetsutvecklande roll, en medmänsklig roll samt en administrativ roll. Upplevelserna av att växla mellan de olika rollerna ses som både givande och utmanande. Studien visar att respondenterna upplever att de har goda förutsättningar att skapa värde för organisationen, framförallt genom stöttning och att ge olika perspektiv inom exempelvis arbetsrättsliga frågor eller personalrelaterade frågor.

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  • 17.
    Andersen, Laerke
    University of Borås, Swedish School of Textiles.
    The synthetic Kingdom2011Other (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Fashioning the Future Awards has quickly established itself as the leading international student competition for design and innovation in sustainable fashion and attracts entries from all over the world. Founded by the Centre for Sustainable Fashion at London College of Fashion to celebrate and empower the next generation of fashion professionals, the aim of the awards is to employ creativity to challenge the current status quo and to redefine the shape and scope of the fashion industry. Selected finalists – who come from over 30 countries around the world including Brazil, India, Australia and Canada will have their work captured through film, photography, display and interactive media, and showcased in the East Wintergarden at Canary Wharf which will be open to the public from 11th – 13th November 2011. The exhibition will be a multi sensory experience and a beautiful representation of how solutions to some of the world’s toughest environmental imperatives will come from the next generation of designers.

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  • 18.
    Andersen, Laerke
    et al.
    University of Borås, Swedish School of Textiles.
    Haim, Dana
    TBBBS2011Other (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    londonprintstudio’s forthcoming exhibition strategies of artists and designers who stretch and invisibly mend the codes and clothes we ‘wear’. Clothes entwine references, ironies and identities. Historically garments express a collective state of mind, status, allegiance, expressed disillusionment with authority. In the 1920’s and 1930’s, couturier Schiaparelli clothes that referenced surrealism. londonprintstudio exhibitions explore ideas and boundaries between art, popular culture and social engagement.

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  • 19.
    Andersen, Laerke
    et al.
    University of Borås, Swedish School of Textiles.
    Haim, Dana
    TBBBS2011Other (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The Culture Club by Picnic Magazine, Tel Aviv is a four-day pop-up experience which aims to showcase the dynamic and creative spirit of Israel. The Culture Club is less an exhibit and more an experience. It is a snapshot of cultural life in Israel that reflects its vibrant, creative soul; a celebration of pleasure through the senses that showcases the art of joy in a place typically characterized by politics and religion.

  • 20.
    Andersson, Elin
    et al.
    University of Borås, Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business.
    Johansson, Sofia
    University of Borås, Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business.
    HR-arbete i en digital värld: en intervjustudie om digitalisering och sociala relationer på arbetsplatsen2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Digitalisering och IT-teknik har fått en avgörande roll i dagens organisationer. Idag sker arbetet genom datorer och system, och anställda är inte lika beroende av tid och plats i sitt arbete. Det förekommer flera studier angående hur digitalisering riskerar att göra individen alltmer isolerad från kollegor: Detta tenderar att leda till att den individuella utvecklingen kommer hämmas och den sociala interaktionen med andra människor försvinner. Uppsatsen intresserar sig av att ta reda på hur digitaliseringen har förändrat HR-medarbetares arbete då arbetet från början var ett socialt inriktat arbete på humanistiska grunder. Vidare är det av relevans att ta reda på hur HR-medarbetare upplever att de sociala relationerna har förändrats i takt med digitaliseringen. Den teoretiska referensramen utgår från Antonovskys teori om KASAM, Karaseks krav-kontrollmodell samt Johnssons vidareutveckling av krav-kontrollmodellen där socialt stöd lagts till. Studien har genomförts genom en kvalitativ metod där sex HR medarbetare, som arbetat i minst 15 år inom yrket, har intervjuats. Vid analysen användes meningskoncentrering och färgmarkering på den insamlade empirin för att finna teman som är relevanta förstudiens frågeställningar. I resultatet presenteras empirin från intervjuerna samt citat under utvalda teman som framkom under transkriberingen och kodningen. I diskussionen kopplas empirin till tidigare forskning och teorier genom ett induktivt synsätt. Avslutningsvis presenteras de slutsatser som framkommit under studiens gång. Empirin tillsammans med tidigare forskning och teori påvisar att digitaliseringen har haft en positiv inverkan i HR-medarbetares arbete genom att ha gjort arbetet mer tidseffektivt och rättssäkert. En negativ effekt som digitaliseringen har medfört är att de sociala relationerna har blivit hämmade, då man tenderar att försvaga relationerna med de kollegor som man vanligtvis inte delar arbetsuppgifter med.

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  • 21.
    Andersson, Elisabeth
    University of Borås, School of Education and Behavioural Science.
    Varför skriva yrkesdagbok?2002Report (Other academic)
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  • 22.
    Andersson, Eva-Lotta
    University of Borås, School of Health Science.
    Vad gör tidigare medarbetare vid Äldre Väst Sjuhärad (ÄVS) nu och vad betydde uppdraget vid ÄVS?2009Report (Other academic)
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  • 23.
    Andersson, Eva-Lotta
    et al.
    University of Borås, School of Health Science.
    Alth, Camilla
    Uppföljning av Informationsarbetet vid Äldreväst Sjuhärad2009Report (Other academic)
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  • 24.
    Andersson, Fia
    et al.
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Sundström, Sofia
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Dilemmat med inkludering: En kvalitativ studie om HR:s inkluderingsarbete2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Diversity in the workplace has become an increasingly prevalent issue and is seen as beneficial to organizations for several reasons. As diversity work is deemed important for all organizations in Sweden, there are laws that regulate the issue, such as the Discrimination Act. The Discrimination Act specifically protects ethnicity, gender, religion or other beliefs, sexual orientation, age, disability and transgender identity or expression. The law means that these groups must not be disadvantaged due to their group affiliation, but it does not guarantee that they are included. Previous research shows that LGBTQI people suffer to a greater extent from mental illness. The group is one of those that report the most cases of discrimination and harassment. Therefore, it is relevant to examine how HR works with inclusion, particularly for this group. The following study has a qualitative approach where the empirical collection was carried out with the help of six semi-structured interviews. All respondents are HR staff in regional operations and work to varying degrees with equal treatment and diversity issues. Previous research and theories have been used to contribute to an increased understanding of the collected empirical data. The theories applied in the study are: isomorphism, shop window arrangement and queer theory. The study shows that the scope of inclusion work is affected by politics as the respondents operate within politically controlled organizations. But to succeed with the issue of inclusion also requires commitment, knowledge and resources. It appears that the organizations work more comprehensively with inclusion and that the inclusion work of LGBTQI people mainly takes place through training initiatives and diplomas. Despite these knowledge-raising initiatives, it is clear how knowledge about LGBTQI is deficient. Therefore, the efforts can be explained with the help of outside pressure (isomorphism) and a desire to appear as an attractive employer (shop-window dressing). 

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  • 25.
    Andersson, Jessica
    et al.
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Svantesson, Sofia
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Den psykosociala arbetsmiljöns innebörd för kundserviceagenter: En studie om hur kundserviceagenter i Sverige upplever och påverkas av sin psykosociala arbetsmiljö2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Kundservice är en betydande aspekt av varje företags arbete i bibehållande och attraherande av kunder. Då arbetsmarknaden blivit alltmer konkurrensfokuserad krävs också större satsningar på att ge kunder god service, och callcenter-industrin har genom detta vuxit enormt under 2000-talet. Den vanligaste arbetsrollen på callcenters är kundserviceagent, en roll helt inriktad på att bistå med service till kunder som ringer in. Denna studie avser belysa hur den psykosociala arbetsmiljön upplevs i rollen som kundserviceagent i Sverige. Tidigare forskning har belyst problematik kring arbetsrollen med en stor representation av arbetstagare som blir emotionellt utmattade och upplever emotionell dissonans. För större förståelse kring fenomenet valdes COR-teori, KASAM och emotionellt arbete ut till vår teorikonsumerande studie. Metoden som valdes vid utförandet av studien var semistrukturerade intervjuer. För att besvara forskningsfrågorna intervjuades sex respondenter från fem olika arbetsplatser. Ur resultatet framträder en stressig och oförutsägbar psykosocial arbetsmiljö och flera respondenter uttryckte att arbetet medförde ångest. Våra resultat kring rollen som kundserviceagent i Sverige liknade den tidigare forskning vi tidigare tagit del av från andra länder. Slutsatsen av vår studie var att den psykosociala arbetsmiljön för kundserviceagenter i Sverige är dålig. Respondenterna uttryckte att det sociala stödet i form av kollegor var en avgörande fördel för att de orkade arbeta kvar i rollen, och att arga och otrevliga kunder var en enorm påfrestning för samtliga. Vidare ansågs den psykosociala arbetsmiljön kunna förbättras genom mindre kontroll från ledning, mer fokus på kvalitet i stället för statistik samt mindre fokus på försäljning.

  • 26.
    Andersson Kurko, Rebecca
    et al.
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Andreasson, Emelie
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Att rekrytera jämlikt: En kvalitativ studie om hur HR arbetar för en jämlik chefsrekryteringsprocess kopplat till kön2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    På arbetsmarknad idag finns dimensioner av könssegregation. Att rekrytera jämlikt innebär att alla kön ska ha samma rättigheter och chanser på arbetsmarknaden. Genom att använda sig av kompetensbaserad rekrytering minskar chanserna för egna värderingar och tankar att ligga till grund för olika val i en rekryteringsprocess. Det bidrar till en mer jämlik rekryteringsprocess.  Syftet med denna uppsats handlar om och hur olika organisationer säkerställer att de har en jämlik rekryteringsprocess. Uppsatsen undersöker hur organisationerna ser på och arbetar med jämlikhet kopplat till kön under rekryteringsprocessen och hur organisationerna arbetar med employer branding.  Metoden som har används för att uppnå syftet är kvalitativa intervjuer, där sju respondenter har blivit intervjuade digitalt via zoom. Respondenterna valdes ut målinriktat, då uppsatsen handlar om att få en jämlik rekryteringsprocess. Efter intervjuerna har allt material kodats och delats upp i olika teman för att kunna analyseras. Resultatet som uppsatsen har kommit fram till är att samtliga organisationer vi har varit i kontakt med arbetar på ett eller annat sätt med jämlikhet inom rekryteringsprocessen. Dock har det framkommit i resultatet att det fortfarande finns skillnad på vilken typ av organisation det är. Vi ser att teorierna vi har använt oss av, speglar de svar vi har fått av respondenterna. Det finns dock saker vi hade kunnat göra annorlunda i detta arbete. 

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  • 27.
    Andersson, Rebecka
    et al.
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Widar, Nathalie
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Vi ses snart vid kaffemaskinen, eller?: En kvalitativ studie om verksamhetschefers upplevelser av det digitala ledarskapet och att leda virtuella team under Covid-19 pandemin2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Since the end of 2019 the world have been struck by the virus Covid-19 which have resulted in adjustments around the world such as working from home. Now it’s been over a year since the pandemic started and companies around the world are now wondering what to expect when the restrictions of working home dissolves.

    The aim of this study is to investigate how managers at the international company Parker Hannifin operating in the manufacturing industry have experienced the conversion of being a leader to become an E-leader due to Covid-19. We also want to investigate which possibilities and limitations managers experience with leading virtual teams. The aim is also to capture their thoughts of what’s important to bring to the future when it comes to continue leading virtual teams. To answer these questions inspiration was found about leadership and E-leadership, leading virtual teams, work-life balance, communication and teleworking. The empirical material in this qualitative study was collected through semi-structured interviews because the purpose of this study was to catch the experiences but also leave room for the respondents to tell more stories about the phenomenon in the interviews.

    The result shows that our respondents have experienced the conversion into becoming an E- leader easier than they thought. It also shows some disadvantages regarding increased virtual meetings and lack of spontaneous social interactions due to Covid-19. This comes with some challenges for the E-leader to face in the future. In the result some advantages appear such as more effective communication and cooperation. Furthermore, some complements are added into the E-leadership that is necessary to lead virtual teams such as soft values. Our study also discusses that a transformative and situation-based leadership is to prefer in times like these during Covid-19.

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  • 28.
    Andersson, Sara
    et al.
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Hermansson Friedman, Monika
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Har ålder ett bäst-före datum?: Arbetssökandes upplevelser avseende anställbarhet och åldersdiskriminering i den kommunala sektorn2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Idag råder det arbetskraftsbrist inom vård- och äldreomsorg samt förskola/grundskola inom kommunal sektor, trots att det finns tillgänglig arbetskraft. Med tanke på att det år 2020 var 76 000 inskrivna äldre på Arbetsförmedlingen torde bristen på arbetskraft vara mindre än den är idag. Studiens syfte är att undersöka arbetssökandes upplevelser om anställbarhet och eventuell diskriminering i relation till ålder bland arbetssökande inom vård- och äldreomsorg samt förskola/grundskola inom den kommunala sektorn. Studien omfattas av två frågeställningar där den första frågeställningen avser om de arbetssökande inom vård- och äldreomsorg samt förskola/grundskola anser att äldre arbetssökanden är diskriminerade och har sämre anställbarhet vid arbetsansökan jämfört med yngre arbetssökanden inom kommunal sektor. Den andra frågeställningen avser att undersöka ifall det finns det något samband mellan arbetssökandes ålder och upplevelser om anställbarhet och diskriminering i relation till ålder bland arbetssökande inom vård- och äldreomsorg samt förskola/grundskola inom kommunal sektor.

    Tidigare forskning utgår från kvantitativa och kvalitativa resultat om åldersdiskriminering och anställbarhet. De teoretiska utgångspunkter som vi utgår ifrån i vårt perspektiv kring upplevd åldersdiskriminering och anställbarhet är humankapitalteori, social dominansteori, socialidentitetsteori samt ålderism. Studiens empiri kommer från en kvantitativ enkätundersökning, som besvarades av 115 slumpmässigt utvalda respondenter som under de senaste fem åren sökt arbete inom kommunal vård- och äldreomsorg samt kommunal förskola/grundskola. Vi kan konstatera att vårt resultat tyder på upplevelser om en viss diskriminering och även en viss faktisk diskriminering av äldre och därmed sämre anställbarhet vid arbetsansökan i offentlig sektor även om resultatet inte är helt entydigt i detta avseende. Studiens diskussion kom bland annat fram till att ett större urval hade behövts för att kunna dra mer generella slutsatser samt att det är viktigt att belysa åldersdiskriminering som förekommer på arbetsmarknaden då den verkar vara svår att upptäcka.


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  • 29. Andersson, Thomas
    et al.
    Tengblad, Stefan
    University of Borås, School of Business and IT.
    When Complexity Meets Culture: New Public Management and the Swedish Police2009In: Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management/Emerald, ISSN 1176-6093, E-ISSN 1758-7654, Vol. 6, no 1/2, p. 41-56Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how new public management (NPM) reform from the national level is implemented as practice in a local unit within the police sector in Sweden.Design/methodology/approach: A qualitative case-study approach is applied using semi-structured interviews, participant observations and analysis of documents.Findings: The paper illustrates different kinds of resistance at the organizational level. The dominant form of resistance was found to be cultural distancing. The paper demonstrates a tendency among police officers to deal with a changing and more complex work context by embracing a traditional work role.Research limitations/implications: The paper shows that reforms that add complexity may fail because of potential contradictions and the limited capacity and motivation of employees to deal with the complexity in the manner prescribed by NPM. Practical implications: The paper shows that the popular trend to adopt multi-dimensional forms of control (for instance the balanced-scorecard approach) may fail if there is a lack of consensus about what goals and measurement are important and/or there is a lack of dialogue about how the new goals should be implemented in practice.Originality/value: Research about NPM-reforms in the police sector is rare. The original contribution of this paper is to study NPM-reforms with a focus on the role of complexity in relation to resistance.

  • 30.
    Andreasson, Jörgen
    The University of Gothenburg.
    Organizational preconditions and supportive resources for Swedish healthcare managers: Factors that contribute to or counteract changes: Factors that contribute to or counteract changes2018Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Swedish Healthcare managers’ organizational preconditions and supportive resources are important for their ability to work with planned change in a sustainable way. This thesis further investigates these factors together with an output measure, healthcare process quality (HPQ).

    The overall aim was to investigate how healthcare managers’ organizational preconditions and support contribute to or counteract managers’ work with planned change in order to implement process development in a sustainable way. Specific aims were: to improve knowledge of managers’ views of and approaches to increasing their employees’ influence on and engagement in models for improving care processes (study I); to investigate relationships among managers’ organizational preconditions, support, and work to improve quality of care and HPQ over time (study II); to investigate whether managers’ coaching style, preconditions, implementation strategy, appraisal of change, and clinical autonomy are associated with HPQ (study III ); and to assess the influence of support from superiors, colleagues, external sources, subordinates, and private life on managers’ own health (study IV ).

    The data for Studies I – III came from five hospitals collected over a three-year period. The data were collected by means of interviews (Study I, qualitative analysis) and annual questionnaires (Studies II and III, quantitative and mixed-method analyses). The data for Study IV were based on questionnaires administered to first- and second-line managers in municipal care, twice during a two-year period.

    The results revealed that the healthcare managers were key actors in implementing planned change, but were dependent on their employees’ engagement in order to succeed. Managers’ appraisal of work with planned change became more positive with strong support from other managers, employees, and the organization as well as with long managerial experience. Support from private life and networks, as well as the managers’ attitudes towards their managerial role, predicted their own health. For new managers or managers with many employees, organizational support predicted their health-related sustainability. Managers practising a more distanced style of coaching (e.g., clearly delegating responsibility for implementation work to employees) were associated with better HPQ outcomes than were managers who were more involved in implementation. In conclusion, implementation of planned change are facilitated by, engaged managers, employees with knowledge of implementation work and of the healthcare system, as well as organizational structures that support the managers. Strong support from various sources as well as managerial experience are important for managers’ appraisal of work with planned change. Strong managerial support and a more delegated leadership style are both important factors related to higher estimated HPQ.

  • 31.
    Andreasson, Jörgen
    et al.
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Linda, Ahlstrom
    Andrea, Eriksson
    Dellve, Lotta
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    The importance of healthcare managers’ organizational preconditions and support resources fortheir appraisal of planned change and its outcomes2017In: Journal of Hospital Administration, ISSN 1927-6990, E-ISSN 1927-7008, Vol. 6, no 1, p. 25-33Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Background: Healthcare managers are expected to lead and manage planned organizational change intended to improve healthcare process quality. However, their complex working conditions offer limited decision control, and healthcare managers often feel ill prepared and inadequately supported to perform their duties. Healthcare managers have previously described their need for organizational support, but we lack knowledge of the preconditions and resources that help managers implement planned change.

    Methods: This prospective cohort study examined healthcare managers at three Swedish hospitals implementing lean production and two Swedish hospitals implementing their own improvement model. Questionnaire data from 2012, 2103, and 2014 were used in following up. We used t-tests and a linear mixed model design in analysing the data.

    Results: Healthcare managers who perceived strong support from managers, employees, colleagues, and the organization and managers with the longest managerial experience had the least negative appraisal of change. Managers who perceived strong support from employees, management, and the organizational structure perceived higher levels of healthcare process quality.

    Conclusions: Long managerial experience and strong support from managers, employees, and the organization are important formanagers’ appraisal of, work on, and successful implementation of planned change. Top management must therefore ensure that the healthcare managers have sufficient managerial experience and support before they delegate to them the responsibility to implement planned change

  • 32.
    Andreasson, Jörgen
    et al.
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Ljungar, Erik
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Linda, Ahlstrom
    The Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg.
    Jonas, Hermansson
    Angered Hospital.
    Dellve, Lotta
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Professional Bureaucracy and Health Care Managers’ Planned Change Strategies: Governance in Swedish Health Care2018In: Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, E-ISSN 2245-0157, Vol. 8, no 1, p. 23-41Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    To increase efficiency and quality, process development has been implemented in many Swedish hospitals. These hospitals are usually organized as professional bureaucracies in which health care managers have limited decision control. The new governance principles has been implemented without removing bureaucratic elements. This study analyzes how managers implement planned change in these professional bureaucracies, considering if managers coaching style, organizational preconditions, implementation strategy, appraisal of change and clinic autonomy, is associated with health care process quality (HPQ). The study is based on interviews with health care managers and longitudinal assessments of HPQ. The results revealed significant differences between coaching style, organizational preconditions, and HPQ over time. The conclusion is that leadership and preconditions is of importance for the health care manager’s ability to work with planned change, as that the health care managers understand how management methods, governance principles, and professional bureaucracies work in practice.

  • 33. Andrews, RA
    et al.
    Austin, C
    Brown, R
    Chen, YZ
    Engindeniz, Z
    Girouard, R
    Leaman, P
    Masellis, M
    Nakayama, S
    Polentsov, YO
    Suserud, Björn-Ove
    University of Borås, School of Health Science.
    Sharing international experiences in disasters: summary and action plan2001In: Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, ISSN 1049-023X, E-ISSN 1945-1938, Vol. 16, no 1, p. 42-45Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    INTRODUCTION: The discussions in this theme provided an opportunity to share specific experiences with disasters that occurred outside of the Asia-Pacific Rim. METHODS: Details of the methods used are provided in the preceding paper. The chairs moderated all presentations and produced a summary that was presented to an assembly of all of the delegates. Since the findings from the Theme 7 and Theme 3 groups were similar, the chairs of both groups presided over one workshop that resulted in the generation of a set of action plans that then were reported to the collective group of all delegates. RESULTS: The main points developed during the presentations and discussion included: (1) disaster response planning, (2) predetermined command and organizational structure, (3) rapid response capability, (4) mitigation, and (5) communications and alternatives. DISCUSSION: The action plans presented are in common with those presented by Theme 3, and include: (1) plan disaster responses including the different types, identification of hazards, training based on experiences, and provision of public education; (2) improving coordination and control; (3) maintaining communications assuming infrastructure breakdown; (4) maximizing mitigation through standardized evaluations, creation of a legal framework, and recognition of advocacy and public participation; and (5) providing resources and knowledge through access to existing therapies, using the media, and increasing decentralization of hospital inventories. CONCLUSIONS: Most of the problems that occurred outside the Asia-Pacific rim relative to disaster management are similar to those experienced within it. They should be addressed in common with the rest of the world.

  • 34.
    Andrén, Malin
    University of Borås, Science Park Borås.
    Cirkulär kommun 2.02024Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
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  • 35. Angelo, Elin
    Profesjonsforståelse hos en instrumentalpedagog i en samordnet musikklærerstilling Musikkundervisning som felles skaping av fellesskap2012In: Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidskrift, ISSN 1403-3216, E-ISSN 2000-8325, Vol. 15, no 1, p. 27-45Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this article I discuss the “philosophy of work” of an instrumental music teacher with multiple tasks in basic music education in Norway. This teacher is positioned in a small community school of music and art which has been honoured for manifesting a `best practice` for such schools. Through thematic narrative analyses of various data material, three pivots are identified in this teachers practice; the cultural life, the school, and the artefacts. After the researcher’s narrative: “The Music Teachers’ Everyday”, these pivots are discussed in a theoretical frame inspired by the thoughts of Hans-Georg Gadamer, Martin Heidegger and Christopher Small. Finally, insights from this discussion are directed towards processes of professionalization in the field of performer-teachers.

  • 36.
    Appelkvist, Rolf
    et al.
    University of Borås, School of Business and IT.
    Edberg, Frida
    University of Borås, School of Business and IT.
    Malm, Annika
    University of Borås, School of Education and Behavioural Science.
    Breddad rekrytering och breddat deltagande: underlag för handlingsplan2012Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Since 2001 the Swedish Higher Education institutions have been required by the government to produce action plans for widened recruitment and widened participation. The current action plan for the University of Borås covers the years 2009-2012. In 2010 the University of Borås appointed a committee to prepare a new action plan for widened recruitment and widened participation. This committee was complemented by an Advisory Board. Both the Committee and the Advisory Board have taken a proactive and strategic role in helping to build capacity across the university to widen participation. The Committee and the Advisory Board have been mentored and advised by Professor John Storan, University of East London, who has worked extensively in Sweden and is recognised as a leading expert in widening participation in the UK. In 2011 the Board commissioned an internal data report to broaden its understanding of the profile of students. The report will feed into the new action plan. The Student Union delegate in the Advisory Board, Frida Edberg, was employed to undertake field work on diversity among the students for the report and also explore how these matters were dealt with at the different schools of the university. This work was supervised by Annika Malm, coordinator of the Committee and the Advisory Board, and Rolf Appelkvist. Joint editing with contributions from the Board was a vital part of the process with the final version which has been edited by Rolf Appelkvist. The report covers the following issues: • Students geographical descent • Students ethnical origin/background • Student exchange with other countries • Students social background • Non-completions • Student with disabilities • Gender distributions within the university • Induction activities for new students • Results from the first course/courses • How is the work done at different schools and what can be done – recommendations GEOGRAPHICAL BACKGROUND Most of the students come from the Västra Götalands-region where Borås is situated (figure 1, p. 3). A substantial proportion of the students come from Göteborg, the largest city in the region. There has been a conception at the university that the students from Göteborg mostly come from the suburbs with lower socio-economic status. This seems to be contradicted by the findings (figure 2, p. 4). However the data only tells us from where the students come, not the socio-economic level of each student.   STUDENTS ETHNICAL BACKGROUND Twenty-one percent of the students at the University are either born abroad or have one or two parents with non-Swedish origin (figure 3, p. 5). This is in line with the corresponding proportion in the Swedish population. STUDENT EXCHANGE WITH OTHER COUNTRIES One important part of ethnical diversity is the amount of incoming exchange students and free-movers. One condition for this is that many Swedish students enough chooses to study abroad for a period. However the imbalance in favor of incoming students is quite large (figure 4, p. 6). This means that because of recent regulations from the government the amount of out-going students needs to be increased to make it possible to maintain a high proportion of incoming students. SOCIAL BACKGROUND – PARENTS´ EDUCATIONAL LEVEL There has been a widely shared conception at the University that the students’ socio-economic distribution has been similar to the distribution in the Swedish population. This is changing. Obviously the proportion of students of parents with lower educational background is decreasing while students with parents of higher educational background are increasing in proportion (figure 5, p. 7). Even though the University of Borås still reach a fairly good proportion of students from families with lower educational background, there seems to be a slight tendency that this proportion is getting lower than the national proportion. NON-COMPLETIONS No investigations on the reasons for non-completion have been made at the university as a whole. There are data on this at the national level which indicate gender differences and some schools at the university try to investigate in the matter. STUDENTS WITH FUNCTIONAL DISABILITIES The University works actively to support students with functional disabilities. Student Service at Library and Learning Resources is mainly responsible for this work. Their main task is to support students in order to make them continue and complete their studies. They are thereby especially working with widened participation. Higher Education institutions can get additional funding for pedagogical support to students with functional disabilities, which are confirmed by a medical certification. The number of students that applied for and got extra support is increasing while the number of students who do not apply is decreasing. However support to students with temporary functional disabilities is not covered by this support, each institution has to finance such support within its own budget. GENDER DISTRIBUTION WITHIN THE UNIVERSITY OF BORÅS There is a large imbalance in gender distribution within the university compared to the total Higher Education sector in Sweden. This is largely due to the mix of educational programmes offered at the university. The gender distribution of the specific educational programmes reflects the imbalances within the intended professions in the Swedish society. Gender imbalances are a complex issue at many levels but a Higher Education Institution still has to contribute to influence these in a direction toward less imbalances. In the report the situation at the dominant educational programmes at each school is described. At the School of Health, the School of Textile, the School of Education and Behavioural Science and the School of Library and Information Science female students are dominating while there is a better balance at the School of Business and IT and at the School of Engineering male students are dominating. All schools use students of both sexes in marketing their educational programmes. Small changes in a favoured direction can be noted but the imbalances are still very large. INTRODUCTION ACTIVITIES Before the students begin at the university they get written information about the university and 2011 they also got information about the services offered by Student Service. During the first three weeks of introduction this is supplemented by oral information at several occasions. The first two days at the university and all afternoons during these three weeks are filled with activities whose purpose is to make the students informed about the university, their school and their educational programme but also to further fellowship among the students and with the staff. These activities are managed by the student union. Most educational programmes offer a first course that not only give an introduction to the entire programme but also gives a fair picture of different academic activities that can be expected during the coming studies. Academic writing, study techniques are introduced in many of these courses. The retention rate during these first courses is fairly high except at programmes given as distance studies. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The introductory activities should be considered further as there are students who find some of them not very interesting. A lot of students do not participate, partly because they are commuting, to a large extent from Göteborg. The activities could be broadened to meet the demands of different student groups, not only the traditional young single students. Also the university must continuously evaluate the information given during this period as there always are students not reached by it. Maybe the university and its schools should participate more in the introductory activities. Most students seems to be content with the introductory courses but more emphasis could be put on informing them about how to do when you fail with an assignment, with an exam etc. Maybe a mobile application could be built to make it easier for the newcomer to navigate in their studies. The university could consider following up all non-completions on the first course/courses. A closer co-operation between the schools and Student Service is recommended. The proportion of students from lower educated homes is fairly high at the university but a slight tendency to getting closer to the imbalance in recruiting such students that is common at the large universities can be seen. This needs to be considered continuously. There is a fairly good representation of students with other ethnical backgrounds at the university but this has to be kept up actively, e.g. by language support. Also the university needs to continue its efforts to convince Swedish students to study abroad in countries outside the European Higher Education area to give room for more incoming exchange students. The university could give more education to its staff on functional disabilities in order to prevent prejudice regarding these students´ capabilities. Student Service should keep on sending information in advance about their services offered. Also students with functional disabilities could be offered a possibility to meet with the staff at the centre in advance, even before they know if they have been accepted to their applied for programme or not, all to avoid queuing during the first weeks of the academic year. Alternatively resources of the coordinator for students with functional disabilities could be increased.

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  • 37.
    Appelkvist, Rolf
    et al.
    University of Borås, Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business.
    Oudhuis, Margareta
    University of Borås, School of Education and Behavioural Science.
    Nätverk för den goda arbetsorganisationen: Högskolan och den tredje uppgiften2002In: Den glokala utmaningen : samverkansmönster och näringslivsutveckling i Västsverige, Stockholm: Atlas förlag , 2002Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 38.
    Areschoug, Emelie
    et al.
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Estola, Angelica
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Äldreomsorgens ledare: En studie om enhetschefers roll och utmaningar2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Äldreomsorgen står inför stora utmaningar med demografiska förändringar vilket gör att det förväntas bli stor brist på behörig personal inom äldreomsorgen inom en snar framtid (SKR 2024), samtidigt som det är stor omsättning på enhetschefer inom äldreomsorgen (Socialstyrelsen 2021, ss.17, 19). Enhetscheferna är de som leder arbetet inom äldreomsorgen, och deras uppdrag är komplext på flera sätt, inte minst genom att de befinner sig i en mellanposition. Mot den bakgrunden utgår vi från ett chefsperspektiv i denna kvalitativa studie, där vi intervjuar nio enhetschefer inom kommunal äldreomsorg i tre olika kommuner. Våra frågor var öppna med förhoppningen om att de skulle leda in oss på nya perspektiv. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka organisatoriska förutsättningar enhetscheferna upplever sig ha, om de upplevs tillräckliga för att göra ett bra jobb, samt ta reda på om, och i så fall hur, enhetscheferna själva önskar förändra deras chefsuppdrag, så att fler enhetschefer i äldreomsorgen väljer att stanna. De teoretiska ramverk vi använt oss av är Karaseks krav-kontroll-stödmodell, samt New Public Management (NPM) som i sig inte är en teori, men högst relevant för vår studie. När vi presenterar vårt resultat använder vi oss av citat från enhetscheferna för att styrka våra påståenden. Det framgår att samtliga respondenter upplever sig ha ett komplext uppdrag med stor variation på arbetsuppgifter. Upplevelsen av de organisatoriska förutsättningarna skiljde sig åt, där majoriteten upplevde att de inte har tillräckliga förutsättningar för att göra ett bra jobb. Vi fick även till ny insikt i vårt resultat som vi själva inte efterfrågade. Flera respondenter talade om samverkan med myndighetsfunktionen och dess påverkan, vilket vi inte funnit i tidigare forskning. I diskussionen diskuterar vi vårt resultat i förhållande till Krav-kontroll-stödmodellen, NPM, samt tidigare forskning. Vi diskuterar även vår valda metod, samt ger förslag på fortsatt forskning.

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  • 39.
    Arman, Rebecka
    et al.
    School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg.
    Dellve, Lotta
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Wikström, Ewa
    Törnström, Linda
    What health care managers do: applying Mintzberg's structured observation method2009In: Journal of Nursing Management, ISSN 0966-0429, E-ISSN 1365-2834, Vol. 17, no 6, p. 718-729Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Aim The aim of the present study was to explore and describe what characterizes first- and second-line health care managers' use of time. Background Many Swedish health care managers experience difficulties managing their time. Methods Structured and unstructured observations were used. Ten first- and second-line managers in different health care settings were studied in detail from 3.5 and 4 days each. Duration and frequency of different types of work activities were analysed. Results The individual variation was considerable. The managers' days consisted to a large degree of short activities (<9 minutes). On average, nearly half of the managers' time was spent in meetings. Most of the managers' time was spent with subordinates and <1% was spent alone with their superiors. Sixteen per cent of their time was spent on administration and only a small fraction on explicit strategic work. Conclusions The individual variations in time use patterns suggest the possibility of interventions to support changes in time use patterns. Implications for nursing management A reliable description of what managers do paves the way for analyses of what they should do to be effective.

  • 40. Arnestad, Georg
    Frå kultursektor til opplevelsesøkonomi: Kva for rolle spelar forskaren?2010In: Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidskrift, ISSN 1403-3216, E-ISSN 2000-8325, Vol. 13, no 1, p. 109-123Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 41.
    Aronsson, Jenny
    et al.
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Arvendal, Oscar
    University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
    Tid för jämställdhet: HR-konsulter och chefers upplevelser av jämställdhetsarbete i en mansdominerad organisation2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Uppsatsen intresserar sig för jämställdhetsarbete samt hur HR-konsulter och chefer upplever relevans, hinder och möjligheter. Vidare så utgår uppsatsen från en fallstudie inom energibranschen. För den teoretiska referensramen har vi använt Joan Ackers teori om könade organisationer och intersektionella perspektiv, samt Moss Kanters forskning inom området kön och organisering.

    Uppsatsen syftar till att få en ökad förståelse för hur HR-konsulter och chefer inom en manligt dominerad verksamhet upplever relevansen av jämställdhetsarbete. Syftet resulterade i följande frågeställningar. Hur definieras begreppet jämställdhet av respondenterna? Vilka uppfattningar har respondenterna kring jämställdhetsarbete? Vilka hinder och möjligheter upplever HR och chefer kan vara kopplat till jämställdhetsarbetet i deras verksamhet? Uppsatsen har valt att använda sig av en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer. För studien genomfördes sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med två olika yrkesgrupper där urvalet bestod av ett målstyrt urval samt snöbollsurval. För utgångspunkten i studiens analys användes tematisk analys och för kodningen användes marginalmetoden.

    I resultatet har citat från de olika intervjuerna lyfts fram och det förs en narrativ dialog kring respondenternas upplevelser. Analysen utgår från en resultatdiskussion och kopplas till den teoretiska referensramen och den tidigare forskningen. I det avslutande kapitlet presenteras flera slutsatser, bland annat att mångfald är ett begrepp som gärna används före begreppet jämställdhet, samt att det löpande arbetet är en nyckel för framgång i jämställdhetsarbete. Däremot upplevs brist på tid och resurser, samt brist på ett balanserat urval i rekryteringsbasen som hinder för jämställdhetsarbetet.

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  • 42.
    Arvidsson, Iréne
    University of Borås, School of Education and Behavioural Science.
    InvandrarAkademien2007Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 43.
    Arvidsson, Iréne
    University of Borås, School of Education and Behavioural Science.
    Kompletteringsutbildningar för utländska akademiker: Högskolan som drivkraft?2006Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 44.
    Arvidsson, Iréne
    University of Borås, School of Education and Behavioural Science.
    Korta vägen2006Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 45.
    Arvidsson, Iréne
    et al.
    University of Borås, School of Education and Behavioural Science.
    Jämsvi, Susanne
    University of Borås, Centrum för lärande och undervisning.
    Implementering och den pedagogiska utvecklaren2009In: Strategisk pedagogisk utveckling - proceedings / [ed] Katarina Mårtensson, Lunds universitet, Centre for Educational Development, CED i samarbete med Myndigheten för nätverk och samverkan inom högre utbildning, NSHU , 2009, p. 7-13Chapter in book (Other academic)
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  • 46. Arvidsson, Sofia
    et al.
    Süld, Karin
    University of Borås, Library and Learning Resources.
    Konstnärlig forskning i öppna digitala arkiv2012In: Dokumentation och presentation av konstnärlig forskning, Vetenskapsrådet , 2012, p. 31-43Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    De flesta lärosäten i Sverige har under de senaste åren inrättat öppna digitala arkiv, även så kallade publikationsdatabaser, för att möjliggöra registrering, lagring och fritt tillgänglig presentation av lärosätets vetenskapliga publicering.

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  • 47.
    Aspers, Patrik
    University of Borås, Swedish School of Textiles.
    Economic Sociology2011In: Encyclopedia of Consumer Culture / [ed] D Southerton, Sage , 2011Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 48.
    Aspers, Patrik
    University of Borås, Swedish School of Textiles.
    Markets, Evaluations and Rankings2011In: Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung, ISSN 0172-6404, Vol. 36, no 3, p. 19-33Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 49.
    Aspers, Patrik
    University of Borås, Swedish School of Textiles.
    Value in Markets2011In: The Worth of Goods: Valuation and Pricing in the Economy / [ed] J Beckert, Patrik Aspers, Oxford University Press , 2011Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 50.
    Aspers, Patrik
    et al.
    University of Borås, Swedish School of Textiles.
    Darr, Asaf
    Trade shows and the creation of market and industry2011In: Sociological Review, ISSN 0038-0261, E-ISSN 1467-954X, Vol. 59, no 4, p. 758-778Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This study addresses the question of the constitution of markets in advanced societies. Specifically, the article studies the role of the traveling trade show in creating the real time computing market, which is part of the US electronics sector, during the mid-1990’s. Real time computing products assist the transfer, storage and processing of digital signals in real time and support many of the internet applications we use today.By applying ethnographic methods,we explore the general question of how economic actors cope with uncertainty in the phase of market-making and at the cutting edge of technology. The paper makes two contributions to the existing literature. First, it shows that the attempt to organize a trade show in real time computing was triggered by the uncertainty experienced by sellers regarding the identity of prospective buyers and about the exact use to which they would put the emergent technology which is offered for sale. Secondly, we trace the history of an emergent market.We claim that trade shows for innovative products are important venues at which markets coalesce.The identification and ordering of market actors, the institutionalization of a distinct business culture and the social networks developed among market actors and across the subsidiary markets provided the basic social infrastructure for what later became known as the real time computing industry.

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