The purpose of this essay is to see how important the cover of the book is for the child, when it makes its choice of which book to read. I will also try to explain the process of seeing and perception, which includes interpretation of what you are seeing and, further on, gestalt psychology.
Through gestalt psychology you can interpret what is showing in a picture, and your way of interpretation depends on earlier experiences in seeing pictures. What is also important in the interpretation is the social role in which every person act, and this role is different for every person. The way you interpret is the same, man as well as woman, but what solution you choose to believe in variates from person to person.
A questionnaire ,vas given to I07 children at the age between 9-12 years. They were asked about their reading-habits and were shown 16 covers from books for children at their age. They were asked to pick out the two covers they liked best and write down why they had chosen them. The result shows, that the cover of the book is not that important to the child, instead it is the text of the back of the book that is the most important thing when the child choses its book.