In a transforming retail sector, digitization has boosted innovation and new self-service technologies within stores all over the world. However, innovations within retailing are seldom successful if they are not built on true consumer value. This paper investigates consumer attitudes toward using mobile devices in a retail setting, with specific focus on QR-codes and how they might deliver customer value. The data consists of 150 in-store surveys conducted at two different Swedish retailers. The results of the empirical material show significant differences between age groups with regard to how they value QR-codes but also indicates what would make consumers actually use one. While the consumer group of 40-years old and upward stated they would pick up their mobile phone and scan the QR-code if given a discount, the younger group (up to 40 years old) did not place value on a discount but would scan a QR-code if there was entertainment value in doing so. Except for these differences, the material also reveals low consumer knowledge of QR-codes and that the actual use of them is low. These results, in light of the increased attention from retailers in using mobile devices to communicate with consumers, as well as investment in other digital aids to increase profits, show discrepancies in the perceived value of digital aids on the part of the retailer and the value experienced by the consumer. It is of outmost importance, therefore, to remember consumer value when managing innovations within the retail context.