AIM: It is essential to minimize pain and distress during painful procedures in children. This study examined the effect of using non-immersive Virtual Reality (VR) during a needle-related procedure on reported pain or distress of children and adolescents in a paediatric oncology unit and surveyed their response to the use of VR-equipment during the procedure. METHOD: Twenty-one children and adolescents were included in an intervention group with non-immersive VR and another 21 children and adolescents in a control group where they underwent either venous punctures or subcutaneous venous port devices. Self-reported pain and distress, heart rate and observational pain scores were collected before, during and after the procedures. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted in conjunction with the completed intervention. RESULTS: Self-reported and observed pain and distress scores were low and few significant differences of quantitative data between the groups were found. Two themes emerged in the analysis of the interviews; the VR game should correspond to the child and the medical procedure and children enjoyed the VR game and found that it did distract them during the procedure. CONCLUSION: The interviews showed that non-immersive VR is a positive experience for children undergoing a minor procedure such as venous puncture or a subcutaneous venous port access.