The aim of this study was to retrospectively explore the prevalence of rehabilitation actions, supportive factors, and obstacles for rehabilitation among home care workers with musculoskeletal disorders, especially focusing on aspects related to occupational rehabilitation. All home care workers in Sweden whose disability pension was approved in 1997 and 1998 because of a musculoskeletal disorder, were selected (n = 373). Data, covering aspects of the rehabilitation process and conditions in working life 5 and 15 years prior to their disability pension, were collected from a questionnaire. The majority considered that the disorder leading to a disability pension was caused by their work, but only one-third of them had their occupational disorder formally approved. Only one-third of the study group received occupational rehabilitation. However, an approved occupational disorder was related to higher prevalence of occupational rehabilitation. In the age group 60–65, few home care workers received rehabilitation. The majority perceived good support from their supervisor and working team, but no support with regard to lowering physical demands. Modification and reduction of physical demands might improve both sustained work ability in home care work and the outcome of the rehabilitation.