In this paper, we will reflect on implementing innovation in Library and Information Science in Boras, Sweden. In our role as lecturers in Library and Information science we develop courses trying to match the complex needs of the Swedish society, and even in relation to the needs in Europe in change. The starting point for our reflexion on the needs of innovation is the statement made by Octavia-Luciana Porumbeanu in her article Implementing Knowledge Management in Romanian Academic Libraries: Identifying the Elements that Characterize their Organisational Culture (2010, p. 549): one of the most useful solutions that can be adopted in order to survive and to be successful in a society is to implement a knowledge management process, this is specially true of countries like Romania, with a rapidly developing economy, following the collapse of the post-war communist regime. We mean that even Sweden is struggling for survival and success, from their point of view being a well-done country. It is not enough with knowledge only; there is also a need of innovation. There are many people having knowledge and good skills but how to stimulate and learn the students to take advantage of their brain and possibilities out there, perhaps when organizing the knowledge of other people in their future role? In this paper we will present an ongoing case about an ongoing development with focus on a course called Project management, development and evaluation. In focus in this discussion there is the need of developing the often so called library culture, new kind of managers and the ability to add value to ideas in a way that is derivate from the reality. In other words, also, there is a need for implementing innovation management processes. We will develop our case from the educational theories and the nature of innovation and societal innovation system improvement in Sweden, and especially at the Swedish school of a library and information science in Boras.