Abstract. The paper falls under the category Digital preservation and access management. The aim of the paper is to present the approach to evaluating the EU SHAMAN (Sustaining Heritage Access through Multivalent ArchiviNg) project outcomes from the point of view of the needs and requirements of the memory institutions. The complex approach to the evaluation of the outcomes is defined by the complexity of the projects goals. The evaluation and assessment design draws upon earlier evaluation of digital repositories and other projects in the area of digital preservation. The evaluation has to be carried out from the perspective of the representatives of research and development community, the memory organizations such as libraries, archives and museums, the end-users of technology, such as librarians, curators and archivists and the end-users of preserved materials, such as researchers, educators and artists. Quantitative and qualitative data collection tools and methods are constructed for the use in the assessment process. The particular requirements that memory institutions have for longterm digital preservation systems are taken into account.
European Union