Information literacy development among students has been a subject of interest among researchers and librarians for many years. A unanimous understanding, as a result of research and professional experience, is the importance of a contextualized approach and sustainable collaboration between faculty and librarians. The Borås Model, a collaborative model for the development of information literacy among students, describes how responsibilities can be divided and how actions can be shared to create embedded Information Literacy (IL) modules in university programmes. At the University of Boras, faculty and librarians collaborate according to this model since 2009. As a starting point the librarians discussed how to design IL elements to enable the students’ development of information literacy gradually during their time of study. The suggested recommendations are based on the experience from teaching information searching, from observations of how students behave in these situations and from reference work in the library. The focus will be on learning and understanding to help the students to develop an analytic and reflective attitude to information, to information sources and to search results, enabling them to adopt their search behaviour to the changing environment of information sources and information publications. They will also be introduced to important information resources that they will need in their profession. The implementation of the model is still in its cradle. This paper describes the implementation process at the Registered Nurse Programme and the Systems and Computer Science Programme, showing how the suggested recommendations were adopted to the actual needs of the programmes. At the Textile Design Bachelor Programme, the overall planning of the IL modules is presented, and the first module will start from autumn semester 2010.