Aiming to implement the Motto “Science for Professions” follow at the University of Borås, the school of engineering has carry out a series of Design-Building Experiences (DBE) aimed to promote the development of specific engineering skills and attributes as well as personal and interpersonal competences on team work and communications, which have been selected from the CDIO syllabus. A total of three DBE activities have been implemented in a one-year master program in Biomedical Engineering. The learning outcome produce from the implementation of the teaching-learning activity has been evaluated from the point of view of the students, through a questionnaire. The answers from the students suggest that the activity has reached the intended goal, especially facilitating the development the students’ own personal and professional engineering skills and attributes. The results of this survey also indicate the remarked concern of the students regarding the assessment of the activity and its contribution in the final grade of the course. In general the implementation of the DBE was a success and provides us with certain new knowledge about implementing student centered learning methods on international master programs.