Recurring patterns: Stockholm furniture fair
2011 (English)Other (Other academic) [Artistic work]
Resource type
Mixed material
Physical description [en]
The prototypes have two different dynamic prints. One print is made from a magnified picture of a knitted textile, where one part of the knitted structure disappears in the heated state of the print. The other is a collection of geometric patterns printed in a colour palette consisting of several dark grey nuances, which change into a variety of colours when heated. Some of the patterns in this print exhibit form changes when heated, and others change only colour.
The pattern change in the prototype is created by combining a number of different materials and techniques. The main elements are thermo chromic inks (that become transparent when heated), a woven fabric with conductive threads (that heat up when current is applied), a micro processor that controls which threads will be heated up at what time, a pressure sensor that senses when someone sits on the furniture.
Abstract [en]
Two pieces of interactive furniture were exhibited at the Stokholm furniture fair, 8-12 of February 2011. The print on the surface of the furniture can change its expression over time, or in relation to someone touching or sitting on the surface. The prototypes were developed in a project called Recurring patterns, where we explore the process of designing dynamic patterns over time.
Place, publisher, year, pages
Keywords [en]
smart textiles, thermo chromic print, dynamic patterns, Textile design
National Category
Materials Engineering
Research subject
Textiles and Fashion (Design)
URN: urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-5345Local ID: 2320/10144OAI:, id: diva2:884773
The prototypes were produced together with the furniture company Ire Möbel. Vinnova Vinvext is funding our overall Smart Textile program. Smart textile Prototype Factory have funded materials.