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Arbetslaget söker sina uppgifter: ett utvecklingsarbete om elevers inflytande över sitt lärande som resulterat i en elevanalysmodell
University of Borås, School of Education and Behavioural Science.
2011 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

This master thesis, labeled The working team is looking for their tasks, presents a pupil analysis model developed in the context of a long-standing collaboration in a team. The purpose of this thesis is that by using an action oriented approach to describe and understand a development work which has led to a pupil analysis model concerning how students’ influence affects their own learning. The questions being answered are: How has the model evolved? What does the student analysis model look like and what essential sapience for pupils' learning has the approach resulted in? A methodological approach in action research, Practitioner research, developed by Jean Mcniff and Jack Whitehead (2006) is being used. Unlike other approaches in this field of research, the action researcher’s own learning is emphasized in terms of living theories which have been generated when new experiences become conscious and verbalized when the action is pursued. The knowledgegenerating question asked is: How will I improve X, which means that the action researcher in this case wants to study the difference between the values that he intends to fulfill and how they then fall out and affect the environment they are in. The master thesis applies the action research methodology as a tool to describe and understand the learning developed in the context of a previous development work done. Usually this methodology is being used in forward-looking purposes. This is not the case here and the choice is motivated by the methodology’s ability to make a learning process visible. The learning, which was preceded by the knowledge-generating question: How can I improve students’ opportunities to influence their own learning, has resulted in a pupil modelanalysis. How this issue has been generated and approaches used in the team are reported. As well I also present the specific action which was to be the basis for the development of the analysis model. In connection with the presentation of the pupil analysis model the model’s ability to serve as a contribution to theory and method development is also discussed in the perspective of school development as the capture of a free space (see Berg 2003). The Pupil Analysis Model with its focus on pupils is related here to an analytical model which draws attention to schools’ teams and their ability to pursue work which in this perspective can be defined as school development. In The working team is looking for their tasks my own learning is reported and how it evolved and was influenced by intercourse with some close colleagues in a team context, at an upper secondary school.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen för pedagogik , 2011.
Rapport från Institutionen för pedagogik, ISSN 1404-0913 ; 1
National Category
Other Social Sciences
Research subject
Teacher Education and Education Work
URN: urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-4498Local ID: 2320/8248ISBN: 978-91-85659-70-8 (print)OAI:, id: diva2:883880
Available from: 2015-12-17 Created: 2015-12-17

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Wede, Christer

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