The project "A model for managing complex, digital objects in open archives within the field of art and design" is primarily a pilot study. The background is the challenges connected with digital publishing and accessibility of artistic research and research findings in visualized forms. The purpose is to make a survey of existing Open Access initiatives handling this kind of objects within the academic field of art and design as well as a draft to a model with the School of Textiles, a department at the University College of Borås, as an example. The School of Textiles educates, among others, fashion designers and textile designers. The material that will be analyzed in the project includes theses, exhibitions, material descriptions as well as videos, photography and multimedia. When designing the model the open archive BADA (Borås Academic Digital Archive) is to be used. The technical platform for BADA is DSpace. Contacts will be taken with the Digital Library Department within the National Library of Sweden to discuss issues of metadata format in view of future digital deliveries to the National Library.
Pilot study funded by the National Library in Sweden.