In this article the authors propose LiveUSB Mediated Education (LUME) as a term to describe the packaging of a complete set of course material together with the software necessary to access the material on a portable memory device. It is argued that the method offers a convenient tool to utilize Open Educational Resources (OER) and can significantly improve the availability of education worldwide. The article gives a description of the design and implementation of a course within the project USo+I: Universidad, Sociedad e Innovación financed by the European Union, within the ALFA III program. The course uses only OER and all material is available from USB-memory sticks to meet any problems of limited access to computers or internet.
This work has been produced with financial assistance from the European Community, contract DCIALA/ 19.09.01/08/19189/160-922/ALFA III-9. The main funding was provided by the University of Borås