The aim of this article was to investigate the influence of a hegemonic class concept in teacher education, more specifically, the changes in the construction of implicit theories of intelligence within future teachers when they were exposed to the scientific g-factor theory of intelligence. A 2 x 2 ANOVA (first versus last semester at the teacher education) x (experimental versus control condition) was used on 102 student teachers who had been exposed to a short vignette of the gfactor theory. Implicit theories of intelligence as fixed and innate were significantly stronger when exposed to this theory. This result was confirmed in a second study with 177 student teachers. Two 2 x 2 (fixed versus incremental) x (experimental versus control condition) ANOVAs in both mathematics and social science were conducted. When exposed to g-factor theory (experimental condition) the fixed theories increased and the incremental theories decreased in relation to both mathematics and social science.