Lack of user acceptance of telemedicine services is an important barrier to deployment and stresses the need for involving users, i.e. medical professionals. However, the involvement of users in the service development process of telemedicine services is difficult because of (a) the knowledge gap between the expertise of medical and technical experts; (b) the language gap, i.e. the use of different terminologies between the medical and the technical professions; and (c) the methodological gap in applying requirement methods to multidisciplinary scientific matters. We have developed a guideline in which the medical and technical domains meet. The guideline can be used to develop a scenario from which requirements can be elicited. In a retrospective analysis of a myofeedback-based teletreatment service, the technically-oriented People-Activities-Context-Technology (PACT) framework and medically-oriented principles of evidence-based medicine were incorporated into a guideline. The guideline was developed to construct the content of a scenario which describes the new teletreatment service. This allows the different stakeholders to come together and develop the service. Our approach provides an arena for different stakeholders to take part in the early stages of the design process. This should increase the chance of user acceptance and thus adoption of the service being developed.