The purpose of this transcultural study was to translate and adapt for the province of Quebec (Canada) a tool for assessing the support needs of family caregivers of aging persons, as well as to validate the relevance and feasibility of its utilization in Quebec homecare services. Developed jointly in the United Kingdom and Sweden and based on a caregiver-service provider partnership process, the Carers Outcome Agreement Tool (COAT) is presently the focus of a large-scale implementation study in Sweden. Following parallel back-translation and adaptation, the tool, entitled Entente sur le Soutien aux Proches-Aidants (ESPA) in French, was validated in terms of relevance and feasibility via focus groups with service providers and interviews with family caregivers. Results show the ESPA to be a culturally sensitive tool that systematically identifies the support needs of caregivers and indicates the type of help best suited to meet these needs. As with other European studies, the results suggest that the caregiver role comprises a common core of needs and highlights the tool's potential for transfer to the cultural context of French-speaking Europe.