This article is a reflection on the Swedish library system, taking its departure point in the concept of “library geography”. The aim is to construct an updated and realistic description of the sector as a whole, including basic institutions, organisational elements, main actors and basic relations. The study uses a pragmatic and interpretative approach, based on a small sample of empirical evidence. The sources are varied and consist of web sites, library calendars, encyclopaedias, academic literature and reports from public agencies at different levels. The article presents a figure identifying different founding categories of how libraries are conceptualised in practice. It also introduces a new construction for mapping different institutions, organisational elements etc. in relation to their position in social areas or societal dimensions. The authors reflect on the incongruent structure of the field and confirm thereby the conclusions of other researchers. They also add new aspects to the picture such as digital initiatives and organisational life in the private sector of the Swedish library system. Some suggestions are given on how to map the library field in the future, based on categories such as user, documentary practices and roles and functions.