This article is a review of the book: Athique, Adrian. Digital media and society: an introduction. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2013. ix, 295 pp. ISBN: 978-0-7456-6229-9. The book Digital Media and Society provides an overview of an extensive range of issues related to digital media and society. The main body of the book comprises a short introductory section, four different parts each subdivided into four different chapters, and a postscript. The book addresses a broad and impressive range of topics related to digital media from presenting numerous central theoretical perspectives to issues as diverse as online shopping, online dating, cyber criminality, cloud computing, information economy, surveillance, public participation, and more. The book is jammed packed with many current and interesting issues of concern and includes an impressive review of an extensive range of related scholarly publications. The style of the book makes it a great textbook for students of sociology or communication and media studies. All in all, the book is ambitious and impressive, it includes an extensive account of contemporary scholarly work in related fields, and it was easy and enjoyable to read. The book is warmly recommend to other readers.