This bachelor thesis examines research support services at three SwedishUniversity Libraries. Three methods are used, aiming at capturingdifferent aspects of the support services. The quantitative methods are textanalysis (word count) based on the libraries annual reports and aquestionnaire aiming at mapping the services. In addition, a qualitativecontent analysis is performed, based on semi structured interviews withthree informants, one at each of the university libraries. The results showthat the libraries have developed support services for all stages in aresearch process, however differently. The three libraries seem to havesome distinctive features in their research support services that areconsistent with each university's profile. Based on the perspective ofJoacim Hansson's theory about library discourse versus library practice,and his and Krister Johannesson's dimensions proactive versus reactive,the thesis also discusses how these features are expressed by theinformants and how the different views influence and are influenced bythe typical features of the university and the library research supportservices.