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Establishment of trustworthiness in the digitization project'International Dunhuang Project': Authenticity and transparency
University of Borås, Faculty of Librarianship, Information, Education and IT.
2015 (English)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
Digitalisering och trovärdighet: The International Dunhuang Project (Swedish)
Abstract [en]

Cultural institutions that hold unique and valuable physical items only for restricted access untilnow are experiencing a change that demands them to take up the role of information providers aswell. International Dunhuang Project is a digitization project that has been taken as an example toinvestigate this phenomenon and more particularly issues of trustworthiness and how it can beestablished in the digital environment. Two concepts have been found to form the basis of itsassessment in the online world, authenticity and transparency. Authenticity is a concept borrowedfrom the existing practice of cultural institutions like museums and archives but transparency is anew demand that has come along with internet and the WWW. Through the examination ofcomponents of IDP's website like online documents, metadata and images along with interviewswith the producers of the project, an attempt has been made to understand how trustworthiness isperceived by the producers of the project and how they have implemented it on the material of theirwebsite.

Abstract [sv]

Kulturinstitutioner som hittills bara gett endast begränsadtillgång till sina samlingar av unika och värdefulla fysiskaexemplar upplever nu en förändring som kräver att de ävenintar rollen som informationsleverantörer.Digitaliseringsprojektet International Dunhuang Projectanvänds som exempel i en undersökning om detta fenomen,i synnerhet kring frågor om trovärdighet och hur det kanfastställas i den digitala miljön. Två begrepp har visat sigligga till grund för bedömning av trovärdighet ionlinevärlden: autenticitet och genomsynlighet.Autenticitet är ett begrepp som lånats från befintliga praxishos kulturinstitutioner som museer och arkiv, mengenomsynlighet är ett nytt krav som tillkommit samtidigtsom internet och WWW. Genom undersökning av de olikaelement på IDP:s webbplats, t ex. online-dokument,metadata och bilder, tillsammans med intervjuer medprojektskaparna, har ett försök gjorts att förstå hurtrovärdighet uppfattas av projektskaparna och hur det harimplementerats på materialet på deras webbplats.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Keywords [en]
trustworthiness, digitization, authenticity, transparency
Keywords [sv]
trovärdighet, digitalisering, autenticitet, transparens
National Category
Information Studies
URN: urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-814OAI:, id: diva2:856923
Subject / course
Library and Information Science
Social and Behavioural Science, Law

Acknowledgments:I would like to thank the staff of the International Dunhuang Project, Ms. Susan Whitfield, Ms. VicSwift, Ms. Emma Goodliffe and Mr. Sam van Schaik for all the support they have offered meduring my stay at the British Library. This study would not have been completed without their helpand their insights. Also, I would like to thank my supervisor Mr. Mats Dahlstrom and Ms. ElenaMaceviciute, for their patience and the knowledge and tools they have provided me for therealization of this study. Moreover, Ms. Anna Brynolf who translated the abstract into Swedish.Lastly, Mr. Osama Mansour and Ms. Nina Hult for their comments which helped me to improve theshortcomings of my text.

Available from: 2015-09-30 Created: 2015-09-25 Last updated: 2015-09-30Bibliographically approved

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