Public libraries in Sweden shall include all visitors in the library activities. When studying public libraries in small to medium sized municipalities and the accessibility they provide in terms of both physical and technical aids, it is not always clear if and how this inclusion is achieved.The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if and to what extent Swedish public libraries fulfill their ambition to abide by the legislation regarding the inclusion of library visitors with special needs, first and foremost with focus on elderly patrons with various disabilities.The method of the study is quantitative and the empiric results were collected through an online survey. The survey questionnaire was sent to respondents in administrative positions at the public libraries of thirty-four municipalities located in the proximity of Sweden’s three largest cities.The theoretical framework used to investigate how the public libraries work to include elderly patrons with disabilities is the four-space model developed by Casper Hvenegaard Rasmussen, Henrik Jochumsen and Dorte Skot-Hansen. The results show that Swedish public libraries largely abide by the legislation in the matter of inclusion, that they have implemented ways of including all their patrons in their everyday work and that they generally succeed in communicating with their elderly patrons with disabilities.