Using the Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) 2008,we apply mapping techniques previously developed formapping journal structures in the Science and SocialSciences Citation Indices. Citation relations among the110,718 records were aggregated at the level of 1,157journals specific to the A&HCI, and the journal structuresare questioned on whether a cognitive structure can bereconstructed and visualized. Both cosine-normalization(bottom up) and factor analysis (top down) suggest a divisioninto approximately 12 subsets. The relations amongthese subsets are explored using various visualizationtechniques. However, we were not able to retrieve thisstructure using the Institute for Scientific InformationSubject Categories, including the 25 categories that arespecific to the A&HCI.We discuss options for validationsuch as against the categories of the Humanities Indicatorsof the American Academy of Arts and Sciences,the panel structure of the European Reference Indexfor the Humanities, and compare our results with the curriculumorganization of the Humanities Section of theCollege of Letters and Sciences of the University of Californiaat Los Angeles as an example of institutionalorganization.