This project explores how to use concatenated shapes as a way of creating inconstant garment constructions. The process starts wide by both testing chains, stitching and knots. But narrows down along the way to only focus on linked shapes without the use of stitches or glue. Different materials and shapes is tested to find a construction that not only hold together but also gives the user playfulness and the opportunity to easily change their own garment. Various forms were tested to be linked together, such as circle, rectangle, square, but also asymmetrical shapes. A choice was made to only focus on the circle to make the design process as focused as possible. Different ways in how to link the circle was tested, different scales, materials and colours. However did this round shape reach the end of the road and the investiga- tion resulted limited. In order to bring the project forward was the circle put aside. The process continued instead with classic clothing design as the basis for the shapes. This shapes resulted in a better variety and stronger garment reference. It opens up for more ways of concatenating garments and textile opportunities that are not restricted by the technique. Pieces that can be assembled in different ways by the user gives the wearer the opportunity to change the expression without buying a new garment. The pieces are also easier to recycle when there is no seams, zippers or other trimmings.