Uppföljnings- och utvärderingsbara mål inom skolbiblioteksverksamhet: en innehållsanalys av aktuella biblioteksplaner utifrån nyinstitutionell teori
2024 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
Monitor- and evaluable goals in school library organization : a content analysis on the basis of a new institutional perspective (English)
Abstract [en]
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate, and further our knowledge about, the function of library plans as planning tools for Swedish school libraries, with a focus on the monitor- and evaluability of the goals formulated in the plans.
The thesis has its starting point in the requirement in the Swedish Library Act that every municipality must have a plan for its library activities, and the guidelines that the National Library of Sweden has set up for how the objectives in these plans should be formulated. In the guidelines, the National Library emphasizes the importance of setting concrete, monitorable goals so that the organization can use the library plans as an effective tool in its operations.
Our research consisted of reading 20 current municipal library plans and using a new institutional theoretical framework to analyze the goals concerning school library that we found there, focusing on the monitor- and evaluability of the goals formulated.
Our results showed that none of the library plans in our analysis contained objectives that met the criteria for monitor- and evaluability set by the National Library of Sweden. Instead of functioning as a tool for practical school librarywork, the goals in the library plans seemed to have more of a communicative role – a way of communicating to the outside world what work is being done within the organization and what its ambitions are. With the help of new institutional theory, we were able to conclude that the goal formulated for school libraries in library plans mainly seemed to function as a way of legitimizing it to the outside world.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Keywords [sv]
Biblioteksplaner, skolbibliotek, måluppföljning, nyinstitutionell teori
National Category
Information Studies
URN: urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-32239OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hb-32239DiVA, id: diva2:1881451
2024-07-032024-07-032024-07-03Bibliographically approved