Purpose - This thesis aims to address the general research gap in regard to emerging fashion brands in the affordable luxury segment. Focusing on branding and brand marketing strategies, this research identifies key factors contributing to standing out and achieving brand success in a highly competitive, oversaturated industry without compromising on brand identity. The research additionally investigates the role of sustainability in relation to branding and brand marketing. Methodology - This research is of qualitative, exploratory nature and is inspired by Grounded Theory. The study applies a reiteration approach, continuously reevaluating all parts throughout the writing process. Existing academic literature has been evaluated to serve as a base for this research. Empirical data was retrieved through a set of semi-structured interviews with emerging fashion brands (case studies) and industry experts and coded through open, axial, and selective coding. The aim of using this methodology was to gather in-depth knowledge of the research topic and provide results grounded in the view of the participants. Findings - Through the findings retrieved from the empirical data merged with the academic literature, the study presents a list of key factors enhancing brand equity – with the ultimate goal of standing out and creating brand success in the oversaturated fashion industry; as consequently presented in a conceptual framework. In relation to the role of sustainability in branding and brand marketing for emerging fashion brands, this research provides an in-depth and nuanced understanding. Additionally, the research presents findings on how emerging fashion brands can achieve brand success through brand marketing without compromising on brand identity. Implications and Relevance - This study contributes to addressing the lack of academic knowledge in relation to emerging fashion brands and offers groundwork for future research. Managerial implications for founders and marketers of emerging fashion brands are suggested based on the findings.