This essay examines internal communication with a middle manager perspective. The communication is a basic condition to get organizations to work and to be developed. The communication is extensive and complex, and there are problems that may affect the communication to fail. The middle managers position in the organization means that there is an important link between management and employees. They have a significant role for that both upward and downward communication is effective and for to the organizations business to function. How the manager communicates and how they prioritize the flow of information affects employees approach and working capacity. The purpose of this essay is to study the managers sorting process of internal communication. The essay also examines the relationship between managers sorting process and how they perceive their communicative role in the organization. Theories used in this thesis are the interpretive perspective, organizations as socially constructed systems of meaning, the meaning-making process and two approaches to communication; transmission and meaning. The study was conducted through a qualitative case study in a municipal business. Eight middle managers participated in interviews with semi-structured character. The result shows that the sorting process is intra- and interpersonal, that the process is based on the managers background, experience, knowledge and relationships but also in cooperation and dialogue with others. There are several factors that influence how the process works, such as information flow, the quality of internal communication and the manager situation. The middle managers communicative role affects their sorting process and their communicative role involves several challenges such as how the internal communication works, their communicative skills and their way of working with communication.