The aim of this study is to examine how teachers perceive the concepts of reading pleasure and reading motivation, as well as how they view their work with reading pleasure and reading motivation in the classroom with their students. Through interviews with five active and qualified teachers, with different operating years in the same elementary school. These questions were included in the interview guide: "What is reading pleasure for you?", "What is reading motivation for you?", "Can these two concepts be connected?". "How do you work with a desire to read and reading motivation in the classroom?" and "How do you strengthen students' desire to read and reading motivation?". The results from the interview responses show that the teachers, regardless of years of experience in the profession, define and work equally with the same sense of purpose around capturing students' interest in reading, and with the thoughts about the importance of a reading pleasure and reading motivation. Previous research shows similar results connected to this study, findings also shows the importance of teacher’s knowledge about reading pleasure and reading motivation.