The internet is an important source for people to access news and other important information that can be crucial for their daily lives. Previous research has shown that accessibility guidelines are not prioritized in many businesses and that knowledge of the fact that increased accessibility benefits all users is limited. This study focuses on the implementation of WCAG on landing pages for commercial and state-owned companies. The study had some limitations that led to only the landing pages being examined and not the entire website, which may be considered insufficient. But since a person in need of an accessible website needs to feel welcome and understood already on the landingpage, an examination of the landing page gives an indication of how the entire website relates to accessibility.
A statistical, descriptive analysis has been used as the method for data analysis. The descriptive method was used to create visual representations of the dataset through box plot diagrams. The boxplot-diagrams provide a simple visual presentation of the data's distribution, central values, and deviations. The analysis shows significant differences in accessibility levels on the landing pages for commercial and state-owned companies. State-owned companies perform better with fewer elements that do not meet WCAG guidelines and higher contrast differences compared to commercial companies. This indicates that commercial companies need to improve accessibility on their landing pages, especially when it comes to meeting WCAG guidelines on contrast.