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Jämlikhet och lika villkor: En intervjustudie om upplevelse av diskriminering utifrån etnisk tillhörighet inom omsorgsorganisationer
University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare.
2023 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
Equality and equal conditions : An interview study on the experience of discrimination based on ethnic affiliation within care organizations (English)
Abstract [sv]

Bakgrunden till studien bygger på diskriminering av personal som har en annan etnisk tillhörighet än svensk tillhörighet. Utifrån Diskrimineringslagen (2008:567) utgör etnisk tillhörighet en av de sju diskrimineringsgrunderna, och avses när någon eller några personer tillhör en grupp med samma nationella eller etniska ursprung, hudfärg eller annat liknande förhållande utsätts för diskriminering. Diskrimineringen av en annan etnisk tillbehörighet kan leda till en utveckling av olika psykosociala arbetsmiljöproblem, både på samhälls- och individnivå även organisationsnivå. Följande studie belyser vård och omsorgspersonals upplevelse av diskriminering utifrån etnisk tillhörighet inom omsorgsorganisationer. Syftet är att ge en förståelse om och i så fall hur undersköterskor upplever diskriminerande behandling, utifrån deras etniska tillhörighet, i organisationer inom omsorg. Därmed också dess påverkan på deras psykosociala arbetsmiljö med hänsyn till vilken roll chefen har när det handlar om den här behandlingen. Den valda metoden innefattar en intervjustudie med semistrukturerade frågor där åtta informanter deltog. Intervjuarna analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att deltagarna i studien upplever orättvis behandling, vilket påverkar deras psykosociala arbetsmiljö på ett negativt sätt. Resultat redovisar dessa två huvudkategorier, hur anställda upplever diskriminering, och hur ledarskapet påverkar upplevelserna av diskriminering. Sammanfattningsvis framträdde ett stort behov av chefens stöd, samt att

Abstract [en]

The background of the study is based on the discrimination that applies to a group of staff that has a different ethnic accession than a Swedish accession. Based on the discrimination law (2008:567) ethnic accession is based on one of the seven main causes of discrimination, and refers to when someone or a few people belongs to a group with the same national or ethnic origin, skin colour or other similarities are exposed for discrimination. The discrimination of another ethnic origin can lead to the development of various psychosocial problems at the individual level as well as in the community level. The following study highlights care and social care staff's experience of discrimination based on ethnic affiliation within care organizations. The purpose of this qualitative research study is to provide an understanding of how the assistant nurses experience discrimination, based on their ethnic affiliation, at organizations within the care sector, as well as the discriminations impact on their psychosocial work environment. The study is based on the interview guide around assistant nurse’s experiences on discrimination as well as the managers support and awareness. The chosen method includes an interview study with semi-structured questions where eight informants participate. The interviews were analysed with the support of a qualitative content analysis which means that meaning units that equals with the purpose are extracted, after which the material is condensed, coded and categorized systematically. The results showed that the participants in the study experience unfair treatment, which affects their psychosocial work environment in a negative way. Results report these two main categories, how employees experience discrimination, and how leadership affects the experiences of discrimination. In the conclusion emerged a need for the managers support, as well that women feel as they are more affected by discrimination based on their clothes, especially Muslim women.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Keywords [en]
Discrimination, care organizations, assistant nurses, ethnicity
Keywords [sv]
Diskriminering, omsorgorganisationer, undersköterskor, etnisk tillhörighe
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-30102OAI:, id: diva2:1784836
Subject / course
Available from: 2023-08-03 Created: 2023-07-31 Last updated: 2023-08-03Bibliographically approved

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