According to the Swedish School Act, all students are entitled to a school library. There is however no distinct definition of what a school library really is. Is it a storage space for books, or is it an educational resource program? Research results and other literature on school libraries argue that school libraries need qualified staff to be considered a resource for active learning. Many school libraries do not have school librarians and the students risk missing out on information literacy, learning through technology and other activities instructed by a professional librarian. According to the Swedish national curriculum, from grades one through nine, the ultimate responsibility of the school library media program lies on the principals, but it is found that they in general have traditional views on and inadequate knowledge of how the school library media program can support the learning program. The aim of this thesis is to gain an understanding of the principals’ views of the school library and what they believe are the essential preconditions to run a school library media program. To reach a deeper understanding of their views on this matter, it is also important to understand what views the principals have on school libraries, and on their own significance to the school library media program. The method used in this study is semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis based on Loertscher’s taxonomy for principals. It is found that the principals in this study do not believe their role is more important that anyone else’s and that they consider their preconditions of running a school library media program are quite sufficient.