To help close the gap between folksonomic knowledge vs. digital classical philology, based on a perceived analogy between Newtonian mechanics and evolving semantic spaces, we tested a new conceptual framework in a specific domain, the Ontology of Greek Mythology (OGM). The underlying Wikidata-based public dataset has 5377 entities with 289 types of relations, out of which 34 were used for its construction. To visualize the influence structure of a subset of 771 divine actors by other means than the force-directed placement of graph nodes, we expressed the combination of semantic relatedness plus objective vs. relative importance of these entities by their gravitational behaviour. To that end, the metaphoric equivalents of distance, mass, force, gravitational potential, and gravitational potential energy were applied, with the latter interpreted as the structuration capacity of nodes. The results were meaningful to the trained eye, but, given the very high number of contour maps and heatmaps available by our public tool, their systematic evaluation lies ahead.