This chapter explores the differences in parental involvement in early childhood education and care (ECEC) between Finland and Sweden. While Finland and Sweden share a border and have a common language (Swedish), the way the two nations approach parental involvement in ECEC differs. The differences relate to teacher training, traditions, cultural contexts and ECEC steering documents (or policy documents).
This chapter begins with a brief overview of international literature about the effect of families’ socio-economic backgrounds on children’s educational achievement, parental involvement in children’s education and family expectations. This is then followed by a presentation of the Finnish context and the Swedish context, where the following three areas are described: (1) ECEC context, (2) steering documents and parent/carer involvement in ECEC and (3) research and parent/carer partnership in ECEC. A discussion and reflection about parental involvement in ECEC from Finland and Sweden concludes the chapter.