This study aims at examining BNPL's influence on millennials buying behavior on fashion products and how it affects their consumption of apparel. As BNPL increasingly gains ground in e-commerce as a payment method, that is highly used because of the kind of functionality it provides to both brands and consumers in particular. Consumers, especially millennials are seen attracted to this payment method as it provides benefits that the traditional payment method lacks. Further, this study examines how these consumptions influenced by BNPL align with environmental sustainability. In order to fulfill the aim of this study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten female millennials from Sweden. The collected data were analyzed using thematic analysis. While the study followed an interpretive approach in order to acquire a deeper understanding of the millennial’s buying behavior and consumption. The findings show some main aspects that influence millennials to buy apparel products with the BNPL scheme. The aspects are familiarity and trustworthiness, transparency, and innovativeness which have influenced variety-seeking, impulse buying, brand loyalty, and dissonance-reducing behaviors. Meanwhile, ease of use, price sensitivity, and enticing dimension influence consumption through shopping practices and consumption patterns. However, there is a misalignment of these consumptions with environmental sustainability due to the knowledge of sustainability and the gap that existed in their attitude and behavior.