The design research is practice-based, thus, closely connected with the experimentation that is embedded into artifacts. What is an artifact? The term can be understood in diverse ways. The research artifacts could be considered as an intermediary knowledge, as a 'midway' between instances and theories, such as "bridging concepts" (Dalsgaard & Dindler, 2014), "research archetypes" (Wensveen & Matthews, 2015), "ultimate particulars" (Waern & Back, 2017), "strong concepts" (Hook and Lowgren, 2012), etc. The research artifacts materialize the thinking process and could be seen as "evocative objects" (Su & Liang, 2013; Turkle, 2007) that express the abstraction of concepts. The exhibition Drafts is inviting to explore the conceptions by different researchers of what is the research artifact in the field of fashion and textile. This project consists of a series of exhibitions exploring design research artifacts as an intermediary knowledge. The exhibition Drafts invites Professors, Senior Lecturers, Postdoc researchers, doctorates, and Ph.D. scholars from ten different countries with their intriguing research artifacts in the field of fashion and textile. This project exhibition and webinar sessions provide opportunities to understand new perspectives for researchers, faculty, and students exploring research artifacts. This series of exhibitions and dialogue brings a new perspective in understanding research artifacts.