The project Form from flat explored the creation of three-dimensional woven textiles through the interaction of material and structure. These textile-forms aim to challenge the process of forming textile objects and spaces, suggesting an alternative to textiles as passive materials for design. Their three-dimensional form is a result of the interaction of contrasting yarn properties, weave structures, and finishing processes. The contrast of shrinking and stiff yarns generates tension in the textile, creating distortions and separating layers. Each textile has a specific behavior, generating its unique form and texture through a process of emergence. This process creates dynamic textiles, which change and evolve from two-dimensional loom woven fabrics to three-dimensional textile-forms; a complex textile system emerging over time. These images take advantage of the digital exhibition format to draw attention to details of form and texture in a selection of the experimental textiles produced during the project. These details both reveal and conceal different elements of these textiles’ design and construction, demonstrating an intricacy of texture and form at a scale that is often overlooked.