Multicultural studys have in recent years increased wihtin the Library scientific study. But several studys also claims that additional research studys are needed within the multiculturalistic field. This study draws from these scientific studys, to further the multiculturalistic research field, that are of relevance for the operational work within the Swedish library system. The Swedish library law was also renewed in 2013, with regards to migration patterns. These different perspective increase the relevance of this study within the field of Library scientific study. The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to study three specific media debates, with regards to the Swedish librarys operatative handlings of the the books Tintin i Kongo, Pippi Långstrump i Söderhavet and the books with Lilla Hjärtat, by using a multicultural terminology. Attentions is also brought to how the three different debates about Tintin i Kongo, Pippi Långstrump i Söderhavet and the books with Lilla Hjärtat, can be understood from a multicultural standpoint in regards to International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Multicultural manifest and Swedish library law from 2013. Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis is used as the studys methodological approach. Two main discourses have been identified within the study of the debates concerning Tintin i Kongo, Pippi Långstrump i Söderhavet and the books with Lilla Hjärtat. The first discourse is identified as a cultural dissociation or decentering discours. The main subject within this specific discourse is to obtain cultural alliances with miniority groups in Sweden. The second discourse within the study is identified as a cultural essentialistic discourse. The cultural essentialistic discours is instead understood as discourse that functions to maintain nationalistic cultural phenomenons as status quo.