This chapter draws on an integrative literature review of the corpus of Pedagogy, Education and Praxis (PEP) publications between 2008 and 2018, examining research conducted in and for praxis, that is, research that helps us to understand and facilitate praxis. The chapter maps some of the central foundations that cut across educational research facilitating praxis and praxis development, including the theory of practice architectures and educational action research. It also touches upon approaches that, despite their connections with praxis, appear to be less common. The chapter also deliberates on the conditions under which research in and for praxis might be conducted, and by whom, in different educational settings and national contexts. The findings show that research in and for praxis is possible via multiple approaches and various positionalities, as long as the aim is to go beyond understanding praxis into realising its possibilities in actual educational sites. These multiple approaches include “insider”, “outsider”, and “in-between” researcher locations. Overall, our review reveals that the rich and varied works on, with, and for praxis discussed in the chapter can provide a powerful armoury with which to speak back to increasingly homogenised and homogenising research approaches in education. It also suggests that the emergence of new ideas and less dominant theories has the potential to further facilitate the (re)imagining of new possibilities for research/praxis development.