Title. What implies registered nurses leadership close to older adults in the municipality home health care?
Objective. The objective was to explore how the literature describes the registered nurses’ leadership near to older adults in municipal home care.
Background. Home health care in Sweden and world-wide is affected by the increasing number of older adults, 65 years and over. One challenge is that older adults report more health problems compared with health professionals’ needs assessments. The primary task of care is to support and strengthen people’s health processes to as good health as possible by alleviating the effects of disease and suffering. The registered nurse may be the one who contributes or makes a difference to the older adults’ experience of health. According to this; great demands are placed on the registered nurse's leadership close to the patient. There is a common agreement that registered nurses’ leadership is important. However, research is limited of what implies registered nurses’ leadership close to older adults in municipal home care.
Method. A systematic literature review. The literature search was performed in CINAHL and PubMed during February to April, 2018. A total of 37 articles were identified and nine articles were screened in full text. Quality valuation and analyses of articles were performed doing qualitative research synthesis based of the PRISMA statement.
Results. The results will be presented for the first time at the 9th IAGG-ER Congress, May 23-25, 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Contact information of authors.
Maria Claesson, Lecturer, PhD. maria.claesson@hb.se
Lise-Lotte Jonasson, Senior lecturer. lise-lotte.jonasson@hb.se
Elisabeth Lindberg, Senior lecturer. elisabeth.lindberg@hb.se
Karin Josefsson, Professor, karin.josefsson@hb.se
All authors works at the Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare, University of Borås, Sweden.
leadership, municipal home care, older adults, registered nurse, systematic literature review