The aim of the study was to find out how holistic health companies communicate their brand identity through their digital channels. The study examined how brand identity was being expressed based on four different aspects - physical representation, personality, culture and relationship. Furthermore, it was investigated whether the brand identity that could be identified stood in line with how the holistic health companies described their businesses, visions and values through their websites. In order to investigate how brand identity was being expressed, a semiotic and social semiotic analysis of the visual and multimodal communication was performed on three holistic health companies websites, as well on their social media channels. The study showed that the choice of color, shape and font had an impact on how the companies personalities could be perceived. When it comes to the cultural aspect, the study concluded that all companies had a vision of conveying health and well-being to their customers bodies and souls - as well as basic values about human rights and the environment. Relationship building activities were found to be most common on the companies social media channels where both the image and text material had semiotic resources that created closeness to the recipient. The brand identity was mostly in line with the companies visions and values, however there were some exceptions. The study concluded that a well-designed visual and multimodal communication as well as information architecture was important in order to convey a clear brand identity.