The paper discusses the initial stages of a research project being undertaken across 5 countries (3 of which are Nordic Countries) and 7 universities by a group within the international Pedagogy, Education and Praxis-network. The project explores critical praxis in higher education, focusing on the influences on critical praxis in different national contexts. In this presentation, we ask: What enables and constrains professional learning for critical praxis in higher education? Data collection for this research consists of interviews with academics. Using the theory of practice architectures (Kemmis et al. 2014) as a conceptual and analytical lens, this paper presents initial findings on the following themes:
● How professional learning opportunities provided by the universities support (or not) the development of critical praxis,
● How the development of critical praxis can happen through voluntary, organic networks (such as Pedagogy, Education and Praxis), and
● The role of country-specific conditions in how professional learning for critical praxis is enabled and constrained.