The purpose of this essay is to study how the IA affect the usability and user experience of a hockeynews webpage. The essay will include the websites layout, responsivity, visibility, content, dynamics and interactive elements. The study is both quantitative and qualitative and proceeds from a case study. By analyzing different competetive hockey news companies, using a comparative method, it examines how well Swedish hockey news websites are structured for usability. It also examines how the primary users’ of perceive the usability, this by using a quantitative survey and contextual inquiry as methods. All three methods are focused on the users’ perspective to understand their needs and preferences. The conclusion reached in this thesis is that the Swedish hockey news webpages are using standard layouts and they have functioning responsive webpages, good and less good visibility on different elements, very much and alike content, dynamic news segments and not much enhanced interactivity. Furthermore the overall content and structure on HockeyNews website is good and adjusted to appeal the primary users’. However there are some things they could develop to improve their usability according to the users. Which includes making it more easy to find information by reorganize the structure and content, adding more informative information in the footer, make the website on larger screens more findable, adding a search function and adding more engaging content for the user experience. At last it suggests how all hockey news websites should validate and analyze their websites to evolve and improve.