Dispersion of iron nanoparticles (Fe-NPs) was achieved on polyester fabrics (PET) beforeand after incorporation of dendrimers (PAMAN), 3-(aminopropyl) triethoxysilane (APTES) orthioglycerol (SH). The catalytic activity of the resulting materials (PET-Fe, PET-PAMAM-Fe,PET-APTES-Fe and PET-SH-FE) was comparatively investigated in the degradation of 4-nitrophenol(4-NP) and methylene-blue (MB. Full characterization through diverse instrumentalmethods allowed correlating the type of the organic moiety incorporated to the Fe content,catalytic properties and stability. The highest 4-NP degradation yield reached 99.6 % in 12 minsfor PET-SH-Fe. The catalytic activity was explained in terms of reactant interaction with Fe-NPs. The 1st order reaction kinetics and pseudo-1st order adsorption kinetics provide evidenceof the key-role of reactant adsorption. These findings allow envisaging the preparation of fiberbasedcatalysts for potential uses in environmental and green chemistry.