This thesis examines how Instagram is used by Swedish public libraries through quantitative content analysis and usage of the Four Spaces model. The aim was to uncover what the most dominant content posted by Swedish public libraries is, and if the same category gets the most likes by their followers. The suitability of the Four Spaces model for a study on Instagram is also reflected upon. Five library accounts with large numbers of followers were selected and their posts from a six month period were analyzed.
The results show that the most common type of post was for "Inspiration space" that mainly contained media like fiction books. The category with the most likes was the one outside of the Four Spaces model labeld "Other", for which example contained pictures of the outdoors. The second most liked cathegory was "Inspiration space". But individual posts in ”Performative space” such as #Bookface posts were appriciated. Based on the results it is recommended to vary content with creative, visually appealing or recognizable content in the posts. Also, relate the post to currentevents in society and utilize humour and technical skills.
The Four Spaces model was useful to the study due to its categorization of library work. But to strictly use the four namegiven spaces leads to no place for the library as a whole nor its staff which lead to those posts as being sorted into the category ”Other”.