The aim of this master thesis is to study electronic publishing, and our main purpose is to examine different strategies of publishing such as: markup languages and page description formats. We examine in what context these strategies are used for publishing, when it comes to scholarly documents produced by Swedish universities and university colleges during the spring of 2002. We apply a sociological perspective as the theoretical framework for to identify the main purposes for scientists to publish their work. We also discuss properties belonging to the different formats: XML, HTML, PDF and PostScript. By doing a content based survey of the websites at Borås University College and at Gothenburg University, we have found that the most common form of electronic publishing, regarding scholarly documents, are lists with bibliographical information on publications and presentations of current research. PDF is the most common format used for full text documents, while XML is regarded the format of the future. When it comes to presentations of current research, HTML is the most used format. By doing a study of a project at Uppsala University we could identify difficulties and problems that can occur when starting and maintaining an electronic publishing project. Examples from other projects confirm these aspects.