The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to gain insight into the attitudes of children´s librarian towards the position of the printed Children’s book in today’s media landscape. The reason for our interest is our belief that librarian’s attitudes to new media and their work practice have an effect on how children perceive books and reading. The study is built on qualitative interviews among four children’s librarians. Our theoretical framework stems from a variety of researchers within the fields of pedagogy and media studies such as David Buckingham, Sonia Livingstone, Neil Postman, Ylva Ellneby and Margaret Mackey. We use their theories to analyse and interpret results from the interviews. This study reveals a considerable consensus that the printed children’s book is considered to be of importance as a means for learning to read and to develop the imagination. The most important conclusion that can be drawn from the study is that new media is a stronger competitor to the printed book particularly in socio-economic poorer areas, and because of this, it is of greater importance for librarians to be aware of children’s media worlds in these areas.